. Satanath Records

Reviews: SODP020

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La semplicità è un'arma a doppio taglio: quando è eccessiva rischia di sfociare nella banalità, tuttavia chi impara a sfruttarla al meglio riesce a trarne vantaggio. I Mabthera e il loro album di debutto ci ricordano proprio che non c'è bisogno di strafare per produrre un'uscita interessante.

In meno di quaranta minuti, questo gruppo ungherese dimostra come sia ancora possibile creare un buon disco Black Metal senza strane contaminazioni di alcun tipo, ma piuttosto preferendo aggiungere leggeri tocchi personali qua e là. Lo stile scelto segue principalmente tempi medi, resi vari grazie al dinamismo del batterista che spesso gioca con la cassa per dare un tono più aggressivo ad alcuni passaggi. Sono comunque presenti alcune accelerazioni, che in diversi casi però hanno un effetto tutt'altro che violento: in realtà, in queste fasi le chitarre sembrano appoggiarsi delicatamente sul tappeto prodotto dalle percussioni, creando un effetto ipnotico e nebbioso. Ciò genera un contrasto interessante con l'energia espressa dalle sei corde che più di una volta vanno a pescare dal Thrash, come accade in "Under Wings Of Satan" e "Elhintem A Magot", ma la coerenza di questi pezzi viene mantenuta da un'atmosfera puramente Black Metal che caratterizza tutto il disco. Brani quali "To The Nightsky" e "A Csitári Hegyek Alatt" riescono a mettere in evidenza il buon gusto nel dare vita a riff spesso orecchiabili e melodici.

In alcuni casi, tuttavia, i Nostri riescono ad aggiungere qualche elemento particolare alla propria musica: ciò si può notare fin dalle note che aprono "Under Wings Of Satan" e che sembrano suggerire una natura legata al Black Metal più standard e allo stesso tempo una volontà di fare qualche piccolo passo oltre. Le parti di chitarra poste dopo le accelerazioni di "Ahol Hideg Szelek Fújnak", il finale sorprendentemente struggente di "Elhintem A Magot" e il pianoforte iniziale di "A Csitári Hegyek Alatt" sono sicuramente piccole variazioni, ma riescono nell'intento di rendere più interessante il prodotto. Certe volte però si ha l'idea che avrebbero potuto osare anche di più: forse non al punto di arrivare alle sperimentazioni vere e proprie, però pensando a come hanno saputo inserire questi spunti è lecito ipotizzare che sarebbero riusciti ad andare anche un po' oltre.

"On The Infernal Path" va considerato proprio per ciò che è, ossia un disco di debutto. Si sente la voglia di fare e di creare qualcosa di personale, come d'altronde è percepibile che stiamo parlando di una band ancora acerba che ha bisogno di fare esperienza. Ciò non è necessariamente una nota negativa: essendo alle prime armi e considerando la quantità di idee che hanno messo in questo lavoro, le possibilità di evoluzione per i Mabthera sono parecchie. Sta a loro scegliere la strada giusta, mentre noi non possiamo fare altro che aspettare la seconda uscita.



Don't ever judge a book by it's cover, or this case an album. True, from looking at the cover you'll probably guess correct about the overall genre of this album. Corpse paint, satanic symbolism and a pretty typical logo all clearly say 'black metal' but when you listen to the music, there seems to be much more going on. This is modern day thrash metal in a blackened coating and it's quite fucking awesome.

Mabthera is an experimental black metal band from Belarus. In 2009 it was a solo-act but over the years other members joined in. Loyal to the old school black metal wave, this band incorporates the haunted vocals and bleak atmosphere of the traditional version of the genre but with clean vocals, this could be a modern metal album. The tempo usually isn't extremely fast and the whole is quite varied.

I'm especially fond of opener 'Under Wings Of Satan', which is an excellent example of what this act is capable of. It reminds me just as much of bands like old Metallica or Pantera as it reminds me of Darkthrone or Immortal. 'Ivadék' crawls even deeper into the world of metal, coming quite close to doom and even a touch of industrial. It's this experimental and free approach to black metal that I find quite interesting.

Of course, the overal feeling is an occult, satanic and downright evil one. Furthermore, the songs aren't extremely complex, which is a good thing. Sometimes modern black metal bands tend to drown in their own sense of complexity and forget 'to rock' but Mabthera doesn't, Mabhtera knows how to write compelling songs that will get many heads nodding, including mine.

Just listen to 'A Magyarok Nyilaitól', a one-fold but very decent rock song with blackened vocals. It even has a little bit of folk metal in it. When you want blast-beats and typical black metal riffs, then 'Ahol Hideg Szelek Fújnak' is something for you. This song reminds me a bit of Emperor and everything that reminds me of Emperor is worth listening to, not? Or listen to the bizarre 'Elhintem A Magot'. This song is just wicked.

Anyway, if you like you black metal deviate from the norm, you might want to check out this band. I'm not saying they are the future of the genre but they defititely succeeded in bringing a breath of fresh (be it putrid and foul) air into the scene. I can only hope they feel like touring Europe with this material. It will be a welcome variation on themed festivals and to your infernally grinning cd shelve.



Mabthera are a band from Hungary that plays a very raw and melodic form of black metal and this is a review of their 2015 album "On The Infernal Path" which was released as a joint effort between Symbol Of Domination Productions, Dark East Productions and Metal Throne Productions.

A very heavy and melodic sound starts off the album and a few seconds later grim black metal screams make their presence known on the recording and the solos and leads also utilize a great amount of melody and when the music speeds up it brings in more of a raw style of the genre along with a great amount of blast beats.

All of the musical instruments on the recording have a very powerful sound to them and a couple of the tracks are long and epic in length and as the album progresses the songs start bringing in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and the music also brings in more of a modern and upbeat style of black metal at times along with a great amount of catchy riffs and when spoken word parts are used they give the music more of a ritualistic feeling and towards the end clean playing is brought onto on of the tracks briefly while the last song adds in a few seconds of keyboards.

Mabthera plays a style of satanic black metal that is very raw, catchy and melodic sounding and adds a modern touch to a more old school style of the genre, the production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics are written in a mixture of Hungarian and English and cover Satanism and Darkness themes.

In my opinion Mabthera are a very great sounding raw and melodic satanic black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Under Wings Of Satan" "To The Nightsky" and "Elhitem A Magot".



I don’t walk any particular path. I am too independent to be tied down by any one ideology. I walk my own path. What the infernal path is I have no idea. But if it involves some really cool extreme metal I for one will walk on that path. I have no idea what melodic black metal really is but listening to this album I kinda get the idea. This is not as raw as most black metal albums are. There is a softer edge to this. But it is that edge that gives this album its character. It is hard not to like this. It is almost foot tapping catchy. Don’t think I’ve heard anything like this and if I have I have forgotten about it.



Black metal loaded with brutality and darkness is always awesome, but Mabthera’s latest release “On The Infernal Path” is brutal, dark, evil and cold in a very grim aspect. This album will blow the coldest winds of the nighttime air down your spine in a very chilling way.

“Under Wings Of Satan” and “To The Nightsky” are the only two songs penned in English, as the other five cuts are written in sole member Tibor’s native Haungarian language.

The above two songs will pounce on you like a venomous snake out to kill you, as it wraps it’s deadly, sonic tail around your neck, crushing it. These two songs, as well as the others feature skull bruising, groove powered rhythms, more in the vein of Satyricon and even Immortal. It’s good to hear that a musical project along the lines of Mabthera can keep their songs heavy, brutal and very Satanic in spirit, which gives his music so much feeling and depth. The feelings of void, melancholia, mental disturbances, and eerie cold vibes created with the instrumentation and vocals here makes “On The Infernal Path” a very solid and spirit destroying release.

Also, the corpse paint utilized by core member Tibor gives Mabthera that blackened ancient spirit-like image and the truest essence of being Satanic in every way unimaginable.

It only takes one listen to this seven tracker, realizing how potent the spell created by Mabthera is so damaging to the human morale. Prepare to walk “On The Infernal Path” with your back facing unknown worlds of infinite darkness and pure hell. Dark East/Symbol Of Domination Sarjoo Devani

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Check out one of the songs in Mabthera's Hungarian language, as it is very, very deep and dark in meaning.


‘MabThera’ is medicine based on the active component rituximab, as well as a Hungarian Black Metal project based around Tibor Terebesi. The band did record one single album in 2012 - 2013, but that self-release (2013) now, finally, gets the promotion it does deserve; once again thanks to Aleksey from Satanath Records. It gets re-released via a collaboration of Symbol Of Domination Productions (a sub-division of Satanath Records), Metal Throne Productions and Dark East Productions (they did work together several times before).

On The Infernal Path stands for an inspired yet non-original (I know, it’s a contrast, but very to the point) form of Traditional (Second Wave-styled) Black Metal, based on both the heaviness of the rhythms, as well as the melodious aspects of the leads. There is a certain groove within the performance, somewhat catchy (in this project’s case catchiness does not mean poppiness!!!) and accessible (not meaning: easy in approach). But somehow Mabthera seem to dwell within rather misty and primal dimensions and grim, even occult spheres, naughtily flirting with the Black-Thrash scene and the Nordic scene. For sure this material isn’t the most violent stuff you might have heard lately, yet still it makes your head bang most of the time.


 Geen punten voor deze plaat van het Hongaarse Mabthera, aangezien ze er eigenlijk al een paar jaar is. Toch kent geen kat deze band en bewijst Satanath Records deze Hongaren een dienst door On The Infernal Path te verspreiden in West-Europa. Als je naar de cover kijkt, dan weet je dat het geen huppelfolk zal worden, maar jaren negentig blackmetal.

Een behoorlijke uitgave van dit label, want er zit wel iets in de muziek van deze drie heren. Er zit ook duidelijk iets niet in deze muziek van deze heren, en dat is creativiteit, maar je moet vandaag al goed zoeken om een band te vinden die een oude, mistige duisternis uit de mouw wil toveren met wat nostalgische melodieën erin. Dit gaat onder andere richting Satyricon en Immortal, maar Mabthera heeft toch ook een eigen invulling door die zweverige winterscreams. Jammer genoeg is er nog heel wat werk aan de winkel als je de opbouw en inhoud van de nummers bekijkt.

De sfeer zit goed, maar dit is zo repetitief dat je er haast bij in slaap valt. Als Mabthera aan dat werkpuntje nog een beetje (veel) kan prutsen, dan wordt de tweede full-length een aanrader voor liefhebbers van de tweede blackmetalgolf. Voorlopig blijft dit nog iets te simpel en repetitief.


MabtherA ist ein Black Metal-Trio aus Ungarn, das schon seit 2009 aktiv ist, aber erst ein einziges Album veröffentlicht hat. Dies geschah im Jahr 2013; nun liegt hier ein limitierter Re-Release vor. Das Anfangsriff des Openers erinnert stark an „War“ von Burzum, aber so depressiv und träge wie der Norweger gehen die Ungarn nicht vor. Sie spielen eher rockigen Black Metal; mitreißend, aber weder zu schnell noch zu langsam. Die Mucke geht gut nach vorne los und gefällt auf Anhieb. Der Sound ist dünn, aber nicht zu demomäßig, der Gesang jedoch immer heiser gekreischt. Die üblichen verdächtigen Skandinavier, die den Black Metal Anfang bis Mitte der Neunziger groß gemacht haben, sind hier als Einflüsse natürlich nicht von der Hand zu weisen. Hier wird grundsolider Black Metal in Reinkultur zelebriert, stets an angenehmen Temporegionen. Wie ein Rip Off klingen sie nicht, auch wenn sie den Black Metal auch nicht gerade neu erfinden. Was soll´s? MabtherA machen richtig Bock!


This is not bad at all for a debut album of ominous black metal. Coming from Ózd, Hungary, this band has members with good experience in extreme metal music, and they composed a really good black metal album with dark atmospheres and good guitar lines.

All tracks are balanced in funeral tunes and a Nordic reminiscent forged in specific musical structures. Actually, this album has a quite peculiar and distinctive sense of melody, which is totally drowned in venomous walls of grimness and darkness. I liked it because these musicians keep in a natural way the metallic spirit, and all tracks sound morbid, but with good sense musically speaking. Also, the band doesn’t bothers to make complex musical arrangements; they do what they want, direct to the point and that’s it. This is a good debut album for a young band that keeps the essence of darkness with good roots in the melodic side of the genre. But don’t confuse! You will not find any Disney melody here. This is pure grimness and painful black metal from East Europe!


This album is a self-released album released in 2013 by the Hungarian Black Metal band MABTHERA, and now re-released by the Russian label Dark East Productions on a limited CD-run. We are getting 8 tracks of traditional Black Metal, well delivered with a dark and cold ambience to it. There is nothing over the top about this album, just solid Black Metal with the base in the Scandinavian Black Metal scene, mid-nineties and forward. Just take a track like 'Ivadék', that would make the grim guys of TULUS proud. The trio does quite good and has written some listenable and quite catchy songs, for it being Black Metal that is. They are following their inspirational sources quite well, and do seldomly introduce anything surprising. That said the songs are well-written and the music well-performed and the atmosphere is almost as dark and evil as desired. A bit more eerieness and dark mysticism, concerning the atmosphere would suit the music well though, the production is a tad too clean and polished for my taste, some more rawness would have suited most of the music. "On The Infernal Path" does actually invoke a bit nostalgia, I can't help dreaming me back to the good old days, when I first started to learn about the more melodic side of Swedish and Norwegian Black Metal, as there are a good deal of such elements on this album, together with a bit of the grey melancholic dreaming Black Metal the German scene hailed. Though nothing does of course beat the originals, still, this album ain't that bad as a gateway to the days that once were, and it grows with each listen. MABTHERA might be interesting to follow in the future.




La portada no deja dudas: black metal del más old-school y true que pueda haber. Pero… epa, esto no es black ortodoxo, gélido y cvlt, sino que es heavy / thrash con pizcas de black! O sea que, como dice el dicho popular, “nunca juzgar un libro por su cubierta”.

Adentrándonos en la reseña, este CD de los bielorrusos Mabthera, originalmente editado de forma independiente en 2013, hoy recibe su reedición por parte del sello SOD. Como dije, lo que sale de los parlantes es una excelente mezcla entre heavy metal tradicional, thrash y un poco de black (puntualmente en las voces es donde más se nota), al estilo de bandas como Bewitched (como los extraño!!!), o Satyricon, siempre bajo un halo de maldad que inunda el disco.

Las canciones van directas, sin rebusques, y te incitan a mover la cabeza desde el primer momento.

Qué bueno sería saber en que anda la banda actualmente (como dije antes, este álbum data del 2013), pues desde aquí ya estoy esperando un nuevo trabajo que ojala sea tan bueno como éste.




Венгерская блак-металлическая почва несет много благодати )) в этот нерафинированный мир, и указанная благодать оказывает на окружающее непостижимое для науки воздействие. А именно — становится неким пробным куском железной руды, о который тестируют вкусы и мнения. К примеру формация Mabthera с ее первым лонгплеем On The Infernal Path возможно даже поделит профильных меломанов. Хорошо хоть - не на запчасти...

Собственно - это проект одного камрада из группы Velm, которая фиксируется на темах языческой направленности. А в этой формации мастермайнд решил создать движ в пользу темных и темнейших культов, какие только существовали на этой земле. Музыкальное воплощение — блэк метал, его более спокойная и мелодическая разновидность, в которой подготовленные люди готовят целые мажорные гимны Тьме и ее Царству.

Но с самого начала мне показалось, что музыкант вообще создал блэк-н-ролл, некоторые помнят такой подстиль темной музыки, и в принципе Mabthera то и начала с материала, очень близкого указанному направлению. Там же автор включил и красивую гитарную работу, мастерски опираясь на забойный ритм, и драйвовый риффинг. Я, условно говоря, обеспокоился (обрадовался) - не запилит ли нам композер весь альбом в таком угаре. Почему? Потому что один- два трака - это отлично, а когда заливается весь альбом то еще лучше.

Все оказалось в полном поряде. Ибо далее мы лоб в лоб встречаемся с мид-темпо и чуть быстрее блэковым чугуном, опять цепляющим, но с вложенным посланием легкой мизантропии. Такое профильные люди заценят сверх нормативов. На этот звук лимитов не бывает. И автор знает это, и уверенной рукой выправляет динамичную конструкцию, в которой как в стальной клетке засажены приличные металлистам посылы о смерти и упадке (кстати с текстами можно ознакомиться в буклете).

Этого мало нашему герою, он местами драматически замедляется и впадает в очередную черную ересь — атмосферный, поглощающий все настроения депрессив, или мигрируя чуть ли не в форест блэк. Все эти девиации лежат вполне в русле интересов композера, и он деловито расставляет силки для улавливания душ малых сих — поклонников данных )). На самом деле музыкант структурно развивает свое произведение, отталкиваясь при этом от одних форм БМ и притягиваясь к иным. Все происходит внутри тренда, и все время при движении горит самый зеленый свет, то ли светофор дает добро, то ли это пробивается пламя из преисподней.

Я вижу, что струнник сдерживает себя, - намеренно выстраивая классические темповые боевики, ДЛЯ того, чтобы выждать и выдать серьезный гитарный запил, словно бы предъявляя удостоверение профпригодности, а более обращаясь к слушателю, раскрывая душу, скупую на эмоции, но честно сознающуюся в творимом блэк-металлическом терроре, но не раскаивающуюся и в итоге готовую снова взять в руки положенный инструментарий и создавать дисгармоничный и одновременно мелодически украшенный контент. На том стоит собственно мелодик БМ.

Как вокалист Tibor Terebesi (командир проекта собственной персоной) отлично управляется с текстом в своей оригинальной тональности, которая от скрима тяготеет к харшу, воистину в каждый трак добавляя напильниковой страсти и наждачного откровения. Конечно, сказывается и практика в команде Velm.

Компакт оформлен в труйном стиле, который предполагает железобетонную формулу «больше дела, меньше слов».

