. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT132

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11 septembre 2001, tout le monde se rappelle de cette date ! Par pure coïncidence c'était aussi la date de sortie de « God Hates Us All » de SLAYER et certainement pour la même raison, la date officielle de la création du groupe de Death Metal polonais MANIPULATION dont nous allons nous intéresser ici à leur 3ème opus « Ecstasy ».

Ce groupe, mené actuellement par 5 musiciens jeunes et déchainés (Rado.Slav et Vulture aux guitares, Bysiek à la basse, Kriss derrière les fûts et Bruzye aux vociférations) est longtemps monté sur les planches des scènes métal multipliant live et festival pour se faire connaître. En 2007 sort un 1er album (non officiel) : « The Future Of Immortality ». Il faudra attendre 5 ans et un EP (« Resurrection ») pour voir pointer le second opus « Passion » qui fera l'unanimité de la presse spécialisée et sera assorti de 2 clips vidéo (dont Infinity Anguish est visible dans la rubrique watch ci-dessus).

C'est au mois de novembre 2014 que les 5 polonais se remettent à la création en entrant au Monroe Sound Studio à Stargard Szczecinski. Sous l'oreille aguerrie du producteur Arkadiusz « Aro » Jablonski (Shadows Land, Masachist) et pour fêter les 14 ans du combo, MANIPULATION nous livre un 3ème opus « Ecstasy » en 10 actes sur près de ¾ d 'heure de brutalité sonore. A dominante Death Metal évidente où l'on ressent à l 'écoute une légère influence des maîtres du genre MORBID ANGEL, le groupe polonais manipule bien son public en injectant dans sa musique des riffs mitraillés breakés inspirés du Deathcore.

MANIPULATION nous embarque ainsi dans un univers agressif voire brutal, ponctué de mélodies et de changements de rythme déroutants. Bien que quelques riffs puissent être répétitifs voire récurrents sur certains morceaux, le quintette sait être varié pour toujours surprendre l'auditeur.

« Insomnia » est le titre ouvrant les hostilités. A tendance Death Metal, le morceau est varié et brutal ponctué de passages mélodiques voire aériens épousant ainsi le thème abordé. Les riffs sont assassins souvent secondés des blasts rapides de Kriss et le refrain scandé par Bruzye n'est pas sans rappeler un certain David Vincent scandant sur la fin de « God Of Emptiness » du cultissime « Covenant ».

« Sic Itur Ad Astra » attaque fort avec un riff simple et agressif ; le morceau a une influence plus deathcore par les riffs breakés typiquement hardcore et des blasts alternant rapidité et break. Puis à mi-parcours, le death lourd et glauque reprend le dessus ; le refrain ressemble à une incantation et les riffs sont lents et malsains accompagnés de larsen plombant encore plus l'ambiance clôturant ainsi les 4'27''du titre.

« Lifetime » reprend cette recette de l'intro ultra rapide et brutale. Le combo sait y faire en injectant quelques riffs deathcore, une basse très présente et un break monumental à 1'35'' afin de repartir dans une autre direction plus thrashy. Solo, riffs « larsénés », chant guttural, alternance de rythme dévastateur rapide puis plus lourd.

« Bad Boy » est indéniablement deathcore où les polonais embarquent l'auditeur dans une violence sonore aux riffs mitraillés et mélodiques sur fond de blasts breakés. Basse très présente et riffs aux influences orientales parsèment la piste pour finir en riffs saturés. L'influence orientale évoquée plus haut se retrouve plus marquée sur « The Paradigm Of Existence » par son intro dont le riff employé sera un thème récurrent de cette composition résolument Death Metal tant c'est rapide et brutal et tant les passages plus lents sont sombres.

« Sunset Over Vatican » épouse une construction plus heavy metal au son plus clair et plus enclin à la mélodie dans sa 1ère moitié. La suite est plus deathcore ; les riffs et les blasts sont assénés à l'auditeur tels des coups de massues sans oublier le featuring de Jacek Grecki de LOST SOUL en guise d'outro.

« Temples Of Vanity » démarre comme un morceau pop ; la voix gutturale de Bruzye nous rappelle rapidement à l'ordre et nous amène vers une composition deathcore à la basse prononcée et aux riffs tronçonnés et au rythme lourd. Les blasts de Kriss sont breakés et tabassent l'ouïe des fans avec une légère influence « morbidangelienne ».

« Burn Motherfuckers ! » est naturellement heavy voire rock'n'roll comme se plaît à le dire Lemmy de Motorhëad » et d'ailleurs on y ressent une légère influence dans les riffs puis c'est radicalement changeant. A 2', c'est funky voire jazzy avec un solo de guitare et de batterie sur près d'une minute avant de revenir à nos moutons pour un Death Metal strident et guttural.

« Dzwiek Upadku » est planant sur 30'' et vire ensuite au Death Metal particulièrement par l'incantation du refrain scandé à merveille par Bruzye et les riffs lourds et saccadés. Des effets sonores à l'influence orientale se font remarquer et apporte un côté mystique au titre. Ces effets nous portent tout naturellement vers le titre éponyme « Ecstasy » qui est radicalement différent. C'est du rock planant au chant aérien et à la musique élevée. Lorsque l'on écoute ce morceau, on se sent voler et les effets sonores récurrents accentuent cet effet. On se sent léger, prêt à partir pour un long voyage. C'est ce que doit procurer la sensation de l'ecstasy « ?!?!? ». C'est psychédélique....

Avec ce 3ème opus, les polonais de MANIPULATION ont su affirmer leur style avec un album mature. Le quintette manipule avec brio des styles musicaux très variés allant du funk au Death Metal en passant par du jazz et du deathcore. Aux influences résolument empruntées à MORBID ANGEL et NILE, MANIPULATION adopte un style propre à eux pour en sortir un Death Metal varié et mélodique tout en restant brutal.



Here we go! this time with Manipulation a band formed in Gołdap, Poland in 2001, the band was active during six years, during this period they released two demos the first one "Live in Kotlownia" in 2003 a "Promo 2005" and their debut album "The Future of Immortality" in 2007, after releasing the album the band took a break and came up some lineup changes, but basically the core band remains intact, then they reunite to record their EP titled "Resurrection" in 2011 and their second full length "Passion" released in 2012, today they approach to us to perpetuate the stigma with their newest album "Ecstasy".

What we can appreciate here is a refined Deathcore, chugging guitars, accurate drumming, a crushing bass insertion and decaying vocals, which put them apart from their contemporaries in the other side of the Atlantic Ocean which seems to structure everything with a bunch of palm muted guitars.
Unlike many other bands Manipulation doesn't limit themselves, they explore and add some tremolo guitar picking, as dictated by the old school and in some cases chord progression is there present and of course with the classic palm muted technique, I never said it wasn't part of their sound, but at least is not so recurrent, "Ecstasy" is a ten tracks album which opens with "Insomnia" delivers crushing riff with some dose of melody and hellish vocals that excel, the composition feels more progressive, because they do not fall excessively in just riff, breakdown, riff breakdown, slower breakdown "Sic Itur Ad Astra" and "Paradigm of Existence" fit perfectly to this idea but "Sunset over Vatican" takes the whole album to another level, where they beat you down with a terrific melodeath passage, just to accomplish the highest peak in the record, while "Temples of Vanity" remains intense with unceasing drums, the gutturals, breakdowns, chugging and chords are vast, the closing track is the self titled album "Ecstasy" where they delves into a more ethereal ambience with demolishing riff, mid pace drumming and chants in the background supporting the raspy growls, definitely there is more than enough creativity contained in this album to explode your speakers.

Manipulation recorded this album at Monroe Sound Studio in Poland, the producer and sound engineer of the album was Arkadiusz “Aro” Jabłoński (Shadows Land, Masachist) and "Ecstasy" was released under Satanath Records, the current lineup is as follow: Rado Slav and Vulture on guitars, Bysiek on bass, Kriss on drums and Brużyc on vocals, something interesting to mention about track number six, "Sunset over Vatican" the guitar solo was recorded by special guest Jacek Grecki from Lost Soul.

Overall this album shines within the sub genre offering a varied listening experience and could easily fit as a Death metal act, but they still infuse those breakdowns that defines what they play, sometimes ending quite abruptly and leave you hanging on trying to understand what happened, however if you have predilections for such coarse transition moments, then you should listen to them.

Stay True… Stay Metal… Stay Brutal…



How about a fierce slab of death metal early in the morning? If anything will wake you up, it will definitely be this brutal album. So grab a coffee, maybe some breakfast (preferably something that looks gore) and let Manipulation wake you up. They'll probably wake up the entire neighbourhood with this but that's perfectly fine. Our whole neighbourhood is full of sleepers who deserve a piercing wake-up call anyway.

Manipulation hails from Goldap, Poland. I don't know exactly when they started this band but a first album has been released in 2012. So this seems to be the follow-up and it's a very interesting piece of work. Complete sonic madness at time but continuously interesting and well-varied. This just might become one of my favorite death metal albums this year.

What sets 'Ecstasy' apart from other albums are the surprising hooks, sometimes highly technical, sometimes just ferociously blasting out of my speakers and sometimes coming up with a dark atmosphere in instrumental pieces that remind me a bit of extreme post-metal. For the main part, of course, these songs are intense slabs of death metal but I can't think of any band that Manipulation reminds me of.

Of course, there are always influences from Cannibal Corpse, Arch Enemy, Carcass, Death and Suffocation in these tunes but Manipulation completely gave it their own twist. With flashing guitars and bulldozing drums, they have written highlights like 'Insomnia', 'Bad Boy' and 'Sunset Over Vatican', all accompanied by a deranged vocalist who spews out his frustrations in a extremely brutal fashion.

It's clear that these are talented and experienced musicians who can get anything they want out of their instruments. Effortlessly they incorporate blackened elements, post-elements and even flashes of harsh noise rock into their music. Yet, be not mistaken, this still is a ferocious beast that will tear you apart once it has you in its grip. This surely might be a death metal highlight of 2015.



I’ve always enjoyed death and progressive metal groups from Poland, and Manipulation just adds more fuel to the Poland’s everlasting death and extreme metal inferno.

“Ecstasy” is the debut CD from this quintet, and it’s death metal with a sensible edge, with lyrics that an ordinary extreme metal head can relate to. The lyrics are very personal, ranging from religious extremism, political strife and social ills, which plague the world on a widespread level.

Second track on “Ecstasy” “Sic Itur Ad Astra” is a very apocalyptic-sounding cut and brings images of a world gone astray. One element, which I really admire here, is that Manipulation do not give a damn if they don’t sound like one of the millions of death metal bands in the world, as they try some really interesting things here musically. From listening to the immense rabid death metal cuts here, you can just tell that Manipulation is all about building their own style of death metal, with a sound they’ll be remembered for someday.

“Ecstasy” features everything from the repulsive snare, double bass, blast beats along with groove and rhythm powered guitars to some interestingly crafted riffs throughout their songs here.

One of the songs that blew me away with its sheer anti-political message and aggression was “Burn Motherfuckers!, as this bitch is loaded with so much hatred towards all political institutions globally, it literally opens up your eyes to how corrupt world governments are. Musically too, this song is simply out of control, as you can feel all its rage and frustrations of how career politicians only lookout after themselves. Here are some lyrical excerpts from “Burn Motherfuckers!”: “We Should Burn Them, We should shoot them, We should take what belongs to us. Freedom and a chance for a better life.”

You can feel how heartfelt these lyrics are, as singer Bruzyc releases his fury through your speakers, so the listener too, can feel his wrath of total destruction.

Highly recommended for fans of Kataklysm, early Cryptopsy, and even Meshuggah. Listen to “Ecstasy” and burn like a motherfucker…



Poland is known for its quality of death metal, right from the days of Vader, and decades later, bands from that country continue to impress. For a change, they’re not trying to recreate the glory days of death metal but manipulating the sound by imbibing it with modern influences. That is the only way the genre can evolve – by looking ahead and not reminiscing endlessly. The music remains furious and intense, but also has mechanized precision, massive, hulking grooves, and numerous variations that spice up the entire affair. The structures are vibrating with raw energy and the whole spin on death metal is not too unlike what bands like Yattering, Hate and even Behemoth did with the conventional death metal template, in their respective eras. Manipulation are a new force in death metal, consisting of members of well-entrenched bands, and are here to educate us on a new breed of modern death metal music that will shatter your eardrums all the same and will probably leave a gaping hole in the ground too when they’re done with it.



Many readers here may have a soft spot for death metal, and if you’re not aware Poland’s being setting a pretty high standard for the genre, bands such as
BEHEMOTH, DECAPITATED and VADER spring to mind, but never have the Polish produced something of this unique calibre.

MANIPULATION originates from Goldap in Poland and the band is signed to Satanath Records, and their third studio record, Ecstasy, it’s an utter monster to behold. What sets Ecstasy aside from other death metal albums in general is the interesting hooks, these at some points can vary, from being highly technical in
nature and at other points, able to create this ominous vibe in theirinstrumentals that herald an extreme post-metal sound to it.

However, let’s not forget what the true colours of these songs are without doubt juicy chunks of death metal and there aren’t many bands that come close to MANIPULATION’s style and sound. Sic Itur Ad Astra is Latin for ‘thus one goes to the stars’ and conveys imagery of a our world lost to us from our own neglect, There are some very subtle influences that can be noted such as ARCH ENEMY and CANNIBAL CORPSE, Bad Boy sounds and feels like you’re in the forefront of a wall of death and The Paradigm of Existence continues the torrent of pure insanity delivering one of the best songs in the album.

When the album flicked over onto Burn Motherfuckers! from the very beginning it had a very clear ‘anti-political’ message to the listeners and it’s very clear this song is brim to the edge with so much hatred towards all politicians and governments around the world. This song is berserk, with a very nicely executed interlude without a doubt you can feel every ounce of rage singer Bruzyc releases through the speakers.

It’s obvious clear, to see the passion and driving force of these musicians who are clearly skilled with their instruments, to integrate a variety of elements such as blackened metal and post-elements into the songs. It’s clear that Ecstasy is a new refreshing energy in death metal, separating themselves from the countless other death metal bands in the world, Ecstasy is definitely a death metal highlight of 2015 and without a doubt a must for your collection



Bij beluistering van de derde volledige cd van deze band dreef al regelmatig de naam Behemoth naar boven. Een korte zoektocht op het internet leert dat Manipulation inderdaad uit Polen komt. Hoewel men qua geluid, sfeer en op het gebied van songwriting sterk aan hun landgenoten doet denken, is het geen exacte kopie geworden.

Daarvoor weet de band er teveel andere invloeden in te verwerken. Naast de eerder genoemde band lijkt met name Dying Fetus van invloed geweest te zijn. Dat zorgt voor een goede en welkome afwisseling tussen bruut en ultra-bruut. En als dit niet van het gitaarwerk komt, dan is er altijd nog het vocale terrein waarop flink gehakt word. Het is alsof de bandleden elkaar willen overtroeven in wie het vetst en hardst over kan komen.

Wat hierbij helpt is de dikke en vette productie die bijdraagt aan de sound en sfeer op Ecstacy. Het levert een pot heerlijke oldschool deathmetal op waarmee de band prima voor de dag kan komen. Dit is typisch zo’n band die er op een festival bovenuit weet te springen door een juiste mix te vinden tussen herkenbare invloeden van andere bands, zonder ze direct te kopiëren, en een brute sound. Op cd lukt dat al goed.



Ecco un album che accomuna spirito classico e death moderno in un concentrato di estrema putrescenza sonora.

Ecstasy è il nuovo lavoro dei polacchi Manipulation, band non di primo pelo, essendo attiva dall’ormai lontano 2001 e con i primi due lavori usciti a distanza di cinque anni: The Future of Immortality primo album licenziato nel 2007, ed il secondo, Passion dato alle stampe tre anni fa.
Il nuovo album uscito per Satanath Records risulta un monolito estremo di inumana violenza, ben bilanciata tra sfuriate di detah metal classico e robuste soluzioni deathcore, per un risultato di indubbia devastazione sonora.

Un mood oscuro, permea tutto l’album, sconvolto da soluzioni tecniche sopra la media e da un songwriting che non perde mai il filo conduttore, che porta ed eleva questa raccolta di songs violente e devastanti, convincendo a più riprese.

Brani che spazzano via tra il growl dall’impronta core di Brużyc, la varia e funzionale sezione ritmica, che passa con disinvoltura da blast beat di scuola classica e tremende e cadenzate bordate core(Bysiek al basso e Kriss alle pelli) con le chitarre che, dalla loro, si aggirano tra la struttura delle songs piene di famelico spirito estremo, torturate da Rado.Slav e Vulture.

Registrato in Polonia nei Monroe Sound Studio, Ecstasy esplode come un’atomica e gli echi di queste dieci bombe sonore si dilatano come il fungo atomico, tanta è la potenza che il gruppo emana.

Una macchina distruttrice, che senza fermarsi travolge, massacra e uccide senza pietà con una forza dirompente, tecnica e malata, lasciando indietro molte delle realtà più blasonate del genere, anche d’oltreoceano terra dove la musica del combo trae le sue ispirazioni.
Album da spararsi tutto d’un fiato per godere della sua immane potenza, tra cui si distinguono spettacolari tracce come l’opener Insomnia, The Paradigm of Existence, Temples of Vanity e la title track posta in chiusura.

Ecstasy risulta così un lavoro compatto e debordante, che unisce con ottimi risultati tradizione e modernità, dategli un ascolto.



Other than harsh winters, being hard workers and fierce resistance to the Germans during WWII, the Poles are also known for producing some of the most intense, dark and interesting death metal, be it back in 1993 with Vader’s The Ultimate Incantation, or Decapitated’s awesome Winds Of Creation in ’96, through to Behemoth’s latest grand work The Satanist, Manipulation’s third full length Ecstasy is like a mix of all of these bands; and with influences such as these why wouldn’t you emulate them? That is not to say that Manipulation is a clone of any one but rather the guys have used the high standard set by all these bands to push themselves to an equally high level of aggression and performance. Ecstasy has a very dark feel about it. It still has the short melodic sections that were very evident on 2012’s Passion but on here they are a lot more subtle and blended. Passion was a lot more accessible with a more ‘American’ sounding production. Ecstasy has a colder more despairing sound, more fitting to the eastern European desolation style of death metal, it sounds less produced but I think that really works in its favour. It’s stark and aggressive and very real, some classic Behemoth, atmospheric moments throughout. Drummer Kris delivers great punchy fills and solid blasts when called for. The whole album ebbs and flows with energy, at times almost mellow and at others with full on aggression and hatred. Rado.Slav and Vulture (yes, Vulture) are so tight, a great guitar tone, dragged up from some shitty pit that in some cases could sound a little theatrical but here is more reminiscent of Morbid Angel in their darker more atmospheric moments. I love Bruzyc’s vocals. Spiteful and angst ridden, sometimes sounding other-worldly. But they drive this album, alternating between Randy Blythe style shouting to full on Brett Hoffman screams Bruzyc sells the sentiments he is trying to convey; hatred against the system, against religion, nothing new in terms of topic but convincing nonetheless.

With this release, Manipulation has proven that it is a band worthy to join the ranks of Polish top end death metal. If you want to get a flavour for this album then check out the tracks Paradygm Of Existence or the romantically titled Sunset Over Vatican. But simply put, if you like your Polish death metal, or just death metal, you will love this.



Poland has delivered some really cool metal acts over the years; from Turbo to Vader to Decapitated. Manipulation might very well be the next cool thing to come out of Poland. This is death metal in the more extreme vein. The one that is chaotic and hard to tame. A real piece of death metal to deal with in the best possible way. And that way is to just sit back and let this one blow the hell out of you. Just surrender yourself to the immensive force that is MANIPULATION and you’ll find yourself sitting there with a nasty grin on your face from the ride you’ve been taken on.



Poland is known for its quality of death metal, right from the days of Vader, and decades later, bands from that country continue to impress. For a change, they're not trying to recreate the glory days of death metal but manipulating the sound by imbibing it with modern influences. That is the only way the genre can evolve - by looking ahead and not reminiscing endlessly. The music remains furious and intense, but also has mechanized precision, massive, hulking grooves, and numerous variations that spice up the entire affair. The structures are vibrating with raw energy and the whole spin on death metal is not too unlike what bands like Yattering, Hate and even Behemoth did with the conventional death metal template, in their respective eras. Manipulation are a new force in death metal, consisting of members of well-entrenched bands, and are here to educate us on a new breed of modern death metal music that will shatter your eardrums all the same and will probably leave a gaping hole in the ground too when they're done with it.



Het Poolse Manipulation komt alweer met hun derde album Ecstasy uit. Naast Vader en Benemoth beginnen deze jongens ook aardig aan de weg te timmeren. Een heerlijke pot rauwe death metal komt direct als een mokerslag binnen.

Dat gitarist Rado.Slav en drummer Kriss (beiden ex-Deathbringer) al lekker op elkaar zijn in gespeeld is een fijne bijkomstigheid. Wat een heerlijke bak herrie! Tussen al het death metal geweld is er ook ruimte voor een lekkere groove, waarin ik hier en daar ook een flinke scheut thrash bespeur.

Manipulation lijkt me zeker beïnvloed door de Amerikanen, dat is ook wel terug te horen, alhoewel ze er zeker een eigen draai aan geven. Voor de liefhebber van dit genre is Ecstacy zeker een aanrader.



Despite the globalization of the world, some countries still get the same old stereotypes. Think of Sweden and you think of (melodic) death metal, and when it comes to Poland, one tends to associate with brutal death metal. The traditional Polish heavy-weights like Decapitated, Vader, and Behemoth come to mind – which is why Manipulation’s more ‘modern’ approach to death metal seems a bit more surprising with the sheer number of bands that come from said country that try their hardest to simply emulate the masters.

Fully describing Manipulation takes a bit more work than one might expect. There are a number of different things going on within the record, but it does seem to encompass a more modern and sleek feel. Even some of the titles, such as the rather blunt “Burn Motherfuckers” and “Bad Boy” keep this in mind. But fear not, this isn’t a core-sounding record in that regard. Take a track like “Lifetime,” for example. There’s elements of grind (complete with full-on blastbeats) to open the song, some chugging groove, then it veers into some almost-thrash territory until igniting a melodic solo. The almost unpredictability of it all is refreshing, as the songs don’t always move into directions that you would come to expect. The title track ends things on a particularly odd note, in which the band drops the death metal context completely at times, engaging in clean/spoken vocals and cleaner guitars before more familiar barks and downtuned riffs come in to finish the track.

Some interesting twists and turns await those who check out Ecstasy. While a few of them don’t work out quite as nicely as the rest, the band comes off as willing to take some risks – something some bands are just not capable of (hence the sea of old school death metal bands). There’s some potential that could prove quite effective next time around if the band continues to push in this direction.



Waterboarding je technika používaná k vynucení přiznání nebo informací. Při waterboardingu je osoba přivázána ke stolu nebo k dřevěné desce. Tazatel má pomocníka, jehož úkolem je lít vodu přes ručník či celofán na nos a ústa oběti, což ztěžuje dýchání a navozuje topení se (utopení však není záměr vykonavatelů).

Šílená definice, co říkáte? Při poslechu MANIPULATION se cítím hodně podobně. Topil jsem se jen jednou v životě, ještě jako malý kluk, kdy jsem neodhadl hloubku vody v jednom rybníku. Pamatuji se, že jsem pomalu ztrácel vědomí a nebýt jednoho hodného dědy, asi bych poslouchal dneska muziku z nějakého pekelného kotle. Poláci hrají přesně ten druh hudby, u které je důležitá hlavně energie. Jejich death metal je zběsilý, hodně propracovaný a nebojí se ani groove pasáží. Občas zavzpomínáme na kolegy DECAPITATED, chvílemi dokonce na brazilskou SEPULTURU. Tradiční, klasický smrtící kov je zde kombinovaný s modernějším pojetím metalu. Není to sice úplně moje parketa, ale rozhodně musím ocenit, že novinka má potřebné grády. Je sice nutné si odmyslet původní vzory kapely, ale tak to dnes funguje skoro všude.

Topím se spolu s kapelou v pořádně krvavé bažině. Texty o antikřesťanství i vědeckém hanobení mysli mi dělají více než dobře. Album hezky odsýpá. Kapela by si klidně mohla odpustit takové ty zasekávané pasáže, ale zase na druhou stranu, tohle je přesně to, co mladší ročníky posluchačů ocení. Mám občas problém i s délkou songů, některé by rozhodně zasloužily o kousek zkrátit. Myslím, že třetí řadové album se povedlo. Nebude sice patřit k těm, které bych vynášel do samého pekla a asi se k němu nebudu příliš často vracet, ale s klidem ho doporučím ostatním. Vždyť… každý máme uši nastavené trošku jinak. Já raději špínu, hnilobu a old school. Toho se tady nedočkám, ale nebudu MANIPULATION kvůli tomu rozhodně ihned zatracovat. Naopak, otevřu svoji hlavu „novým“ myšlenkám a nechám se unášet kolébavými rytmy „Ecstasy“.
Zvukově je vše ošetřeno na výbornou, i když já to samozřejmě raději trošku víc postaru. Celkově se určitě jedná o kousek povedené polské práce, s přihlédnutím k inspiracím v zámoří. CD má opravdu hodně povedený booklet. Je na něm vidět, že si s ním páni muzikanti i label dali hodně práce. Oceňuji to a jsem tomu rozhodně rád. V dnešní době velmi příjemná záležitost. Co na tom, že hudba není pro mě z nejzajímavějších? Ono je to se mnou a touhle kapelou těžké. Přirovnal bych to k nějakému hodně hádavému manželství. Taky neustále hledám další a další drobnosti ke kritice, ale v závěru si nakonec svoji partnerku i muziku užívám. Nakonec stejně odcházím od reproduktorů se slovy: „Dobrá práce!“.
MANIPULATION letos vydali moderněji pojatý death metal. Kombinují v něm tradiční, klasické prvky polské školy a přidávají jen ty nejvybranější americké ingredience. Album hezky řeže, odsýpá a nepostrádá tolik potřebnou energii. Propracované, pestré motivy jsou doplňovány ostrými kytarovými výjezdy. Občas se sice vkrádá nepatřičná monotónnost a stereotyp, ale stává se to „zaplať Satan“ jen občas. „Ecstasy“ je nahrávkou, která proniká do krve pomalu. Chce čas, klid a volume pořádně doprava. Teprve potom vyniknou jednotlivé nuance. Pokud máte rádi ostrý smrtící kov, který je doslova protkán groovy pasážemi, myslím, že budete spokojeni. Já si dávám raději trošku odstup, ale musím uznat, že nahrávka má něco do sebe. Death metalové album, které se mi líbí, i když k němu mám výhrady.

Asphyx says:

MANIPULATION published a little bit more modern version of death metal this year. They combine traditional and classic forms of Polish school and they add just the best American ingredients. This album cuts very nicely and it´s not lack of the needed energy. Elaborate, colorful motives are mixed with sharp guitar passages. Sometimes there is an inappropriate monotony and stereotype, however this happens only a few time, “thank Satan”! “Ecstasy” is a record which will go in your blood very slowly. This album needs it´s time, calm and volume to the right. After that you can hear the individual nuances. If you like a sharp death metal which is full of groove passages I think you would like this. I like to go not so deep in this music, however I have to say that this album has something about itself. Death metal album, which I really like although I have some critical comments.



Manipulation, a Polish death metal band signed to Satanath Records, recently released the "Ecastasy" album and now all the tracks have come online. Listen in below. The following press release was also issued about the band:

"Poland is known for its quality of death metal, right from the days of Vader, and decades later, bands from that country continue to impress. For a change, they're not trying to recreate the glory days of death metal but manipulating the sound by imbibing it with modern influences. That is the only way the genre can evolve - by looking ahead and not reminiscing endlessly.

"The music remains furious and intense, but also has mechanized precision, massive, hulking grooves, and numerous variations that spice up the entire affair. The structures are vibrating with raw energy and the whole spin on death metal is not too unlike what bands like Yattering, Hate and even Behemoth did with the conventional death metal template, in their respective eras.

"Manipulation is a new force in death metal, consisting of members of well-entrenched bands, and are here to educate us on a new breed of modern death metal music that will shatter your eardrums all the same and will probably leave a gaping hole in the ground too when they're done with it."



Manipulation - after three years of waiting the time has come to delight ourselves in the new release from this death metal quintet from Poland. I admit that their second release – Passion - awakened my animal expectation (blood, blood, more blood LOL). The third full length was released by the Russian Satanath Records; it was recorded in the Monroe Sound Studio (Vesania, Masachist) so no need to worry about sound recording and quality and Karol "Godzir" Malicki took up graphic design duties.

Ecstasy regales us with 10 hearty pieces of modern technical death metal with thrash-groove and death-core leanings that remind me of older Machine Head. Manipulation’s new album clearly differentiates itself from the wave of old-school-death metal happening nowadays. Not that I stand against it -quite on the contrary- I count myself as old-school guy and as a matter of fact I personally think that good music will always defend itself and it doesn’t matter how listener/reviewer pigeonholes it. Returning to the Ecstasy, album starts with a song “Insomnia”, after few second long intro goes medium tempo, kinda feeling out the grounds. “Sic Itur Ad Astra” in accordance with title should lead us to the stars, but for me personally, it seems that it is only the vestibule leading to the titled "stars". You must, however, admit that screamed out by Bruzyc (voc) sentence at the end of the piece makes an impression. “Lifetime” is one of the fastest pieces on the album. Do not expect, however, any type of grind-core thumping. There are, of course fast rides here but there are also plenty of breakdowns. Next – “Bad Boy” (oh-so-eloquent title, haha) Manipulation slows the gears down giving the audience a breather and serves something in thrash-core convention. However, nothing on this album is too obvious, and therefore this - what seems like - slower song is not slow in its entirety. “The Paradigm Of Unrestraint” is a renewed exemption of constant changes between harsher cuts and it’s such a delicious treat. Thus, half of the album is in the past, and the second part begins with a song promoting the album titled “Sunset Over Vatican”. That one should be mentioned together with the faster pieces on here and its program was enhanced with a guitar solo by Jacek Grecki of Lost Soul which I must admit makes quite a difference; without taking anything from the whole song of course which certainly stands out on its own. ‘Archetypes’ screamed out multiple times pierces your brain like a nail piercing Christ’s hand. The beginning of “Temples Of Vanity” reminded me of Gothenburg styled melodic death metal (In Flames in particular) but it got way more brutal at the end. Some trick those guys pulled here LOL. Here comes another nail - "pleasure”. Both of those "nails” and "Sic Itur Ad Astra" remain in your head long after turning your player off. “Burn Motherfuckers”- the title says it all, and musically it's a cross-section of the new release from Manipulation. Some parts are slower, some are faster, there’s some guitar twisters and let’s not forget about some interesting ear candy well placed in this song. Przedostatni Dzwiek Upadku is a song that could as well be on Poland’s Frontside earlier play list. With lyrics written in Polish this song is like a longing for the legacy of aforementioned. Title track “Ecstacy” finishes the album. The slowest and most chart-topping song, and for me it’s like a cigarette after good sex – it’s all over and yet….

I like to encourage fans of death, thrash and core to delve into Ecstasy by Manipulation. There is so much happening on this album that one listen would certainly not be enough, and everyone can find something to enjoy on it. Although I personally have a greater fondness for Passion, I also know that, despite the repeated listening sessions of Ecstasy, I'll come back to this album many times, just like I did with Passion.



E mentre la Satanath scala la classifica delle mie label di riferimento, ecco farsi avanti i polacchi Manipulation, forti di altri due album alle spalle. Premessa: l’underground è quasi un genere musicale, non uno status. Ecco quindi che i nostri fanno Death tecnico dalle tinte Brutal ma di matrice Underground. Mi spiego meglio: se il disco fosse uscito per la Nuclear Blast sarebbe stato una ciofeca, mentre tutto il “verismo” sotterraneo tipico delle piccole label indipendenti può trovare in platter di questo tipo la sua maestosa potenza e crudezza. Questi polacchi suonano molto bene e con piglio, senza mai lasciarsi andare ad inutili manierismi, risultando credibili e oculati nelle scelte stilistiche. A tratti sembra di ascoltare i Belphegor che tentano di emulare i Dark Tranquillity di metà carriera. Insomma, il sotterraneo non è solo becera cacofonia, ma anche musica tecnica di spessore e intelligente. Da provare per credere.



Let me start off by saying that it surprises me big time to see that there aren’t even that many bands out there with the same name as the Polish Manipulation. The band started off in 2001, to take a break in between 2007 and 2010, but by now the death metal quintet reached its third full-length record already. This particular work came out on September 11 of this year under Satanath Records and it is limited to 500 pieces. I would have settled with a digital copy, but I actually received one of those 500 copies. Lucky me.

The music may be a lot in high speeds, but there are plenty of moments where it sounds a bit melancholic due to the vocals it has a strong vibe of deathcore to it, which is only strengthened by the often rhythm orientated music. The lyrics are without exception antichristian and nothing but that, although it is impossible for me to determine that in the song with Polish lyrics, but I do not expect a sudden twist of stance in that one. All in all it is a very much rhythm and sentiments based hatework, which from start to finish is very well composed and performed.



Manipulation are a band from Poland that plays a mixture of death metal and deathcore and this is a review of their 2015 album "Ecstasy" which was released by Satanath Records.

Dark sound effects start off the album before going into a heavier and melodic musical direction along with some death metal growls and when the music speeds up a great amount of blast beats can be heard while the solos and leads are very technical sounding and you can also hear elements of groove at times.

Atmospheric sounds can be heard at times and all of the musical instruments have a very powerful sound to them and the songs also bring in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and some songs also bring in a small amount of spoken word parts and some of the distortion has almost a shoegaze feeling at times while the last 2 tracks also brings in a brief use of clean playing and melodic singing.

Manipulation plays a musical style that mixes groove, death metal and deathcore to create a very heavy sounding recording, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover Science and Anti Religion themes.

In my opinion Manipulation are a very great sounding mixture of death metal and deathcore and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out t his band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Insomnia" ""The Paradigm Of Existence" "Sunset Over Vatican" and "Ecstasy".



One of the many releases that did came out on Russia’s Satanath Records in 2015, and since I promised label owner (and friend) Aleksey to give my attention to all of them, is Ecstasy, the third full length of Polish act Manipulation. This band was formed at the very beginning of this millennium, but after the recording (+ release) of their debut, they did split up. Eventually, the band reformed, and some more releases did follow, but their ‘success’ remained somewhat local. Now, with their third album getting released via Satanath, Manipulation might finally ‘break through’, and if this review can be of help…

Ecstasy lasts for forty four minutes, and it was recorded at the Monroe Sound Studio by Rado.Slav (g, music & lyrics), Vulture (g), Kriss (d), Bruzyc (v), and Bysiek (b). What these guys bring is an enormously powerful, overwhelming and hammering mixture of different Death Metal genres, and you know: in this case it works. There is, evidently, the no-nonsense Old School trend, the Blast and the Tech-Death sub-genre, the modern approach, an atmospheric one, the so-called Morbid Death form, some Grindeath, and even more. Only the Black-Death and the Doom-Death angles seem to miss. This might seem very confusing, but actually it is not. Since quite all those related sub-genres come with a comparable groovy / grooving execution (mind the funky bass sound!), the coherence strengthens the variation, instead of ridiculing these ideas.

A surplus is the sound, which is very decent: firm, heavy and well-balanced in mixture, without any fake over-produced intention.

A minor detail, however, is the lack of being able to keep the listener’s attention present all the time. Some parts are really outstanding, but a couple of times I’m losing my interest. Not because it sucks, but there is an incomprehensible discrepancy in between the level of the pieces. But don’t be afraid, for the general result is truly mighty! There are no real cons, and quite some highlights (Insomnia, the more melodious title track, Burn MotherfuckerS! etc.), and I am sure that those who like energy and pepper-in-the-ass (or is it ‘kick-ass’) injected Modern / Tech / Groove / Blast Death Metal, will find their sonic satisfaction with Ecstasy.



"Ecstasy" raczy nas 10 kawałkami soczystego, nowoczesnego, technicznego death metalu z thrash-groove i death-core-wymi naleciałościami rodem z Machine Head. Nowy album Manipulation wyraźnie wyłamuje się z pośród wielkiej fali old-school-death metalu. Nie żebym stawał przeciw tej fali, gdyż osobiście uważam, że dobra muzyka zawsze się obroni i nie ważne jak ją słuchacz/recenzent zaszufladkuje, a ponadto, chyba sam się zaliczam do old-school'a. Wracając do "Ecstasy", płytę rozpoczyna badawczo i w średnich tempach - Insomnia z kilko-sekundowym wstępem. Sic Itur Ad Astra zgodnie z tytułem winien doprowadzić nas do gwiazd, ale mi osobiście wydaje się, że jest on jeno przedsionkiem prowadzącym do tytułowych "gwiazd". Trzeba jednak przyznać, że wykrzyczana przez Brużyc'a (voc.), pod koniec kawałka, Wergiliusz-owa sentencja robi wrażenie. to jeden z najszybszych kawałków na płycie. Nie spodziewajcie się jednak grind-owej młucy. Tu oczywiście są ostre napieprzanki, ale przerywane zwolnieniami. Kolejnym - Bad Boy (jakże wymowny tytuł, he,he...) - Manipulation zwalnia obroty dając odetchnąć słuchaczom i racząc thrash-core-ową konwencją. Nic jednak na tej płycie nie jest oczywiste, a więc ten wolniejszy utwór wcale nie jest wolny w całości. The Paradigm Of Existence to ponowny slalom zwolnień między death metalowym łomotem i to takim, że palce lizać. Tak oto połowa płyty minęła, a drugą część rozpoczyna utwór promujący ją, czyli Sunset Over Vatican. Należy zaliczyć go do tych ostrzejszych kawałków, a jego program wzbogacono solóweczką Jacka Greckiego z Lost Soul i trzeba przyznać, że robi ona różnicę, nie ujmując niczego całemu utworowi, który z pewnością wyróżnia się. Wykrzykiwane wielokrotnie "archetypes" wbija się w mózg niczym gwóźdź w Chrystusową rękę. Początek Temples Of Vanity przypomniał mi Gothenburg-ski death metal z In Flames na czele, jednak dalej jest już brutalniej. Taka zmyła (he,he...) . Tu wystąpi kolejne słowo gwóźdź - "plesure". Oba te "gwoździe" oraz sentencja "Sic Itur Ad Astra" pozostają w głowie nawet po wyłączeniu płyty. Burn Motherfuckers - tytuł mówi wszystko, a muzycznie to przekrój nowego wydawnictwa Manipulation. Są partie wolniejsze, szybsze, zawijańce i tak zwane upiększacze. Przedostatni Dźwięk Upadku - to kawałek niczym żywcem wydarty z wcześniejszego dorobku polskiego Frontside. Z polskim tekstem, jest wspomnieniem i tęsknotą za spuścizną Sosnowiczan. Płytę kończy tytułowy Ecstasy. Najwolniejszy i najbardziej przebojowy utwór, a dla mnie jest taką symboliczną fajką po dobrym seksie. Niby po wszystkim, a jednak...

Zachęcam fanów death, thrash i core do sięgnięcia po Manipulation - Ecstasy. Na płycie dzieje się tyle, że jedno przesłuchanie z pewnością nie wystarczy, a każdy może znaleźć coś, co mu się spodoba. Chociaż sam osobiście mam większy sentyment do "Passion", to wiem, że mimo wielokrotnego skatowania "Ecstasy", będę wracał do tego albumu wielokrotnie, podobnie, jak do "Passion".



Die Polen von MANIPULATION wollen wieder in der Death Metal Welt für Aufsehen sorgen und so kommt nach 2007 und 2012 nun das dritte Album, bei dem der Opener „Insomnia“ gleich mal in hohem Vader Speed los feuert, doch nach und nach gehen MANIPULATION ins Mid Tempo über, fahren dabei bewusst krumme Riffs auf, die mächtig an der Stimmungsschraube drehen, um gegen Ende des Track weiter eine flotte Salve nach der anderen heraus zu dreschen, ohne diesen atmosphärischen Pfad zu verlassen. Mit „Sic Itur ad Astra“ kommt auch noch ein Modern Death Metal Touch hinzu, der aber zum Glück nicht übertrieben wird und auch in Sachen Breaks sind die Polen hier gut vertreten. „Lifetime“ ballert und hat erneut diese bewusst schrägen Riffs anfänglich mit an Bord, bevor geradlinig auf Dauerfeuer gestellt wird, um dann erneut total wirr und vertrackt den Hörer vor die Box zu locken. Mit dem „Bad Boy“ wird fat nur Wert auf Technik gelegt, die Prügel Passagen wollen dabei nur den Schädel noch mehr zertrümmern und beim Beginn von „The Paradigm of Existence“ werden die Polen sogar richtig bombastisch. Danach soll es dann aber frickelig und düster werden, doch die eingeschobenen Prügel Attacken haben massig Zunder. An der Gitarre wird in „Sunset over Vatican“ hier eine starke Melodie gespielt, der Song besitzt außerdem viel Tiefgang und Melancholie, wenn dann doch im Mid Tempo gedonnert wird, klingt es dank der Double Bass schwer nach Bolt Thrower, bevor wieder dieses technische Spiel das Kommando übernimmt. So kann auch „Temples of Vanity“ durch seine technischen Finessen und seine heftige Art gefallen, denn das ist genau richtig gemischt. Mit dem folgenden „Burn Motherfuckers!“ kann man den Polen fast schon so was wie jazzigen, progressiven Death Metal attestieren, während „Dźwięk upadku“ erst mal modern zu stampfen beginnt. Dann brennen MANIPULATION ein Highspeed Feuerwerk erster Sahne ab, um dann alle Elemente aus klassischem Metal, Bombast und Atmosphäre aufzufahren. Das finale Titelstück ist mit verschieden Gesangslagen und dem psychedelic Riffing wie eine hypnotisierende Nummer, die einem verschiedene Gemütslagen eindrischt.


Manipulation aus Polen spielen Death Metal, der sich von anderen Mitstreitern aus ihrer Nation unterscheidet. Sie kloppen zwar gut drauf und haben auch eine wuchtige, nicht zu moderne Produktion abbekommen, aber es wird viel mit Rhythmik erreicht. Die urtümlich polternden Drums erinnern an die Trommeln aus Sepulturas früher Neunzigerphase. Disharmonische Leads und einige Beats deuten auch Richtung Brasilien. Es wird viel geballert, knöcherne Gitarren rippen und riffen fließend, daran ändern Breaks kaum etwas. Füllige Growls gehen in die Breite und unterschwellig macht sich in ihren Songs eine finstere Gefährlichkeit breit. Hier sind keine Anfänger am Werk; Drummer Kris und Gitarrist Rado.Slav kennen sich von den progressiven Death Metallern Deathbringer aus dem Dreiländereck Litauen, Polen und Weißrussland. Die CD erscheint mit sechzehnseitigem Farbbooklet. Das ist sehr viel bei Satanath Records, denn sonst haben die Bands dort kleinere Inlets. Offensichtlich hält man große Stücke auf Manipulation; ihre ersten beiden Alben "The Future Of Immortality" und "Passion" erschienen in Eigenproduktion.


MANIPULATION  son una banda polaca formada en 2001 que tuvo un parón entre 2007 y 2010 en el que se volvieron a unir, nos presentan su tercer álbum “Ecstasy”, una descarga de Death metal con muchas dosis de deathcore, vamos, muy influenciado por las últimas tendencias en música extrema, me recuerdan en algunas partes a lo último de ABORTED, o SCARVE, ya que el nivel técnico de estos polacos es más que sobrado, sobre todo el batería. Una cosa que tienen es que en el mismo tema tienen partes que suenan a death de siempre, incluso brutal death, otras veces es más técnico incluso progresivo y otras es tipo deathcore, por ello unas veces se parecen a grupos como los mencionados y a grupos del estilo deathcore, que no controlo (lo siento), y otras a clásicos como MORBID ANGEL por ejemplo, o en sus partes más brutales a sus compatriotas BEHEMOTH , VADER o LOST SOUL.

“Insomnia”, un tema que como digo tiene partes deathmetal bastante brutales, con buenos blastbeats, alguna parte más melódica, aunque en general es brutal este tema.

“Sic itur ad astra”, este tema ya muestra unas tendencias más modernas, riffs intensos, este tema también tiene cierto toque thrash peleón, alguna parte a lo ABORTED, y otras con ritmos entrecortados, que a parte de deathcore, podriamos decir que le dan un aire a sus paisanos DECAPITATED, termina con unas guitarras hipnóticas en un arpegio sin fin.

“Lifetime”, un comienzo brutalisimo, a lo BEHEMOTH, y mezclado con alguna parte con un estilo mas moderno, un solo muy bueno, partes machaconas, un buen tema.

“Bad boy”, empieza con un riff y unos bombos a toda leche, perfecto para mover sin parar la cabeza, y aquí ya empieza a girar el disco hacia su parte más deathcore, aunque no faltan partes brutales en este tema, y es que menuda leña suelta el batería.

“Paradygm of existence(SATA(n))”, un comienzo tipo intro muy bueno, y ya en la parte cañera comienza con un sonido más deathcore, para pasar más adelante a una parte brutal, aunque la tónica general del tema es un estilo más deathcore, con un final más tranquilo, con ritmo entrecortado, y al final una guitarra más suave.

“Sunset over Vatican”, comienzo brutal, un solo de guitarra muy bueno, una parte tranquila y pasamos a una parte brutal, un sinfín de riffs diferentes en este buen tema.

“Temples of vanity”, comienzo melódico, y vamos a riffs deathcore, pero con toques digamos étnicos. No podría definir exáctamente ningún tema de esta banda porque mezclan todo con todo en cualquier tema, en este tienenpartes brutales y más clásica con partes mas modernas, que es la tónica general de todos los temas.

“Burn motherfuckers”, por lo visto es una letra reivindicativa política, aquí en este tema salvo algunas partes que suenan más modernas, el tema me suena más tipo MORBID ANGEL en algunas partes, y también tienen partes progresivas, una parte acústica en medio muy buena,  y un final brutal, con guiños deathcore.

“Dzwiek upadku”, tema en polaco, con un comienzo potente, tema machacon en general, con alguna parte brutal.

“Ecstasy”, comienzo suave y melódico, más heavy, con partes progresivas en este tema que es diferente al resto del álbum, salvo al final que se vuelve más duro el tema.

Bueno, pues nos encontramos que es un buen disco, con muy buenos músicos, bastante currado y bien escrito, tiene buenos temas, sonido muy bueno, un vocalista también potente y agresivo, un batería muy bueno. Y el pero viene en que creo que la mezcla aunque les sale bien no termina de cuajar, por un lado partes que firmarían los jefes del género y por otro demasiado acercamiento a estilos modernos que no sé yo si pegan muy bien con el resto, hay que ser muy fino para hilar esto bien, ellos lo hacen bastante bien, pero es algo complicado y arriesgado, las partes brutales son buenísimas, creo que esas partes deathcore le resta al resultado final, le dan monotonía, pero es solo mi opinión. Por lo demás un buen disco, si señor.


I Manipulation sono una band polacca che come tante, forse un po' troppe, fa death metal. Non lo fa male, anzi, a tratti suona pure divertente, tuttavia il problema di fondo è che di dischi fotocopia ne abbiamo già sentiti troppi. Dai Banisher ai Disloyal (che con i Manipulation condividono anche il cantante, qui in veste di batterista), passando per tutta una serie infinita di gruppi della provincia continentale, pare che l'influenza dei Decapitated — anche quelli di "Carnival Is Forever" — non si fermi più. Non c'è da stupirsi quindi se, aprendo il libretto, un membro del quintetto di Gołdap scelga di farsi immortalare con una maglietta di "Blood Mantra" per la foto di gruppo.

E quindi giù di riffoni carichi di groove, breakdown e suoni smaltati, una confezione modernissima per idee e soluzioni che in questa veste suonano troppo derivative e troppo poco personali. Qualche momento apprezzabile, alcuni passaggi anche discretamente spessi ("The Paradigm Of Existence" a tratti è una bella legnata), ma una prova tutto sommato poco incisiva nel suo complesso.

Insomma, con tutto il bene che posso volere al death metal, per ascoltare i Decapitated, metto nello stereo un disco dei Decapitated.


Tercer álbum de los polacos Manipulation, un combo integrado por Kacper Andraka en voz, Vulture y Radoslaw Chrzanowski en guitarras, Krzysztof Bendarowicz en batería, y Bysiek en bajo.

A través de diez temas, "Ecstasy" nos lleva a una masacre sonora de la mano del más puro y heterogéneo deathcore que se pueda encontrar en el mercado. Y cuando digo heterogéneo, me refiero a que Manipulation no teme experimentar con teclados, pasajes instrumentales, cambios de ritmo, atmosferas cercanas al ñu y machaques más típicos del thrash que del death, por supuesto sustentado con la típica voz gutural que amerita el estilo.

No puedo decir que este género sea mi favorito, pero si admito que es de lo mejor que yo haya escuchado. El disco en sí está muy bien logrado, la riqueza musical es innegable y el resultado es superlativo.

Hace tiempo que no me topaba con una banda de este género de tanta calidad. Mi recomendación: escúchalo, vale la pena.


If Death Metal is your thing, and I know it is, please let me introduce you to Poland’s Manipulation. These guys play some brutal yet occasionally groovy Death Metal somewhat akin to their Polish countrymen Vader, only Vader has that sound on their own that you just can’t copy. And Manipulation isn’t trying to copy anyone. They’re just playing a style that is hard to shine in with so many bands coming out every day. Manipulation tends to stay out of any rut and just hits you with hard hitting Death Metal aggression at every turn. The eight track, “Burn Motherfuckers” almost feels like Atheist or Cynic in parts. No duds on Ecstacy, just a lot of good thrashing Death Metal. Give it a shot.


Polish metal band realised the album. This album is very interesting album, with various genres on it. These genres are melodic death metal, gothic metal, metalcore, atmospheric and thrash metal music, all of these genres created very insane metal genre, and they are fitted perfectly with each other, and they are integrated phenomenally with the hole album, and the songs themeslef’s.

The vocal has a metalcore, deathcore vibe to it, which makes this album more interesting for listening, the clean vocals have a gothic vibe to, which made this album more interesting, because the combination of this two vocals are simply unigue, and something that is hard to combine.

Generic sound is awesome it gives the album that special sound. Solos on the album are great, and they are very good combined with the songs.

Tehnical compliance is brought to ideal, acoustic is great, production is awesome.This album will take you into the world of hate, cruel reality, rebellion, death, chaos, apocyplse.

Manipulation is anonymos band that desirves a lot of attention of public and listeners.This band is a metal band that has a awesome modern approuch to metal music, and great modern metal music at it’s best.




Se siete seguaci dei Decapitated e soprattutto del death metal polacco non indugiate oltre e fate vostro il terzo full lenght della band originaria di Go?dap. Dei Manipulation ricordo la partecipazione al tributo dei Carcass, a metà circa dello scorso decennio, e il debutto ‘The Future Of Immortality’; mi ero perso l’ep ‘Resurrection’ e il secondo album ‘Passion’ e adesso li ritrovo con dieci tracce tecnicamente impeccabili e devote agli autori di ‘Carnival Is Forever’ e ‘Blood Mantra’. Le liriche vertono su tematiche anti-cristiane e scienza, alcuni passaggi riportano alla mente anche Kataklym e Meshuggah ma la personalità che il quintetto dimostra in questi quarantacinque minuti di calibrata e intelligente violenza è indubitabile. Alla pari di frangenti apocalittici e oscuri (‘Sic Itur Ad Astra’) troviamo pezzi strutturati come ‘The Paradigm Of Existence’ e la title track che manderanno fuori di testa chi è cresciuto con certi valori e nella musica cerca chitarre e batteria a livelli disumani. Le accelerazioni dei Manipulation non sono molte e Bru?yc spinge spesso il suo growl in territori grindcore ma in generale ‘Ecstasy’ si rivela uno dei migliori prodotti della scena estrema underground degli ultimi anni. La speranza è che la promozione riservata per la loro ultima fatica in studio sia sufficiente a garantire un riscontro su tutto il globo e di conseguenza un’attività live decente. 





MANIPULATION is a Death Metal band from Poland which, let’s face it, has been churning out quality band after quality band of this type for decades now. So when I tell you their debut album Ecstasy is a motherfucking monster, will any of you really be surprised? From the guitar duo of Rado Slav and Vulture ripping everything up to vocalist Bruzyc fucking your ears dry these guys will satisfy any and all fans of this music. And that’s not to leave out bassist Bysiek and drummer Kriss who together blast a hole in you a mile wide. I can’t believe I didn’t get this album till earlier this week, because it’s been out since September on Satanath Records. Well…NOT knowing when this group has new music coming out is a thing of the past because I’ll be watching them like a hawk moving forward.


Shades of DECAPITATED, one of my favorite bands, mark “Lifetime”. Not surprisingly it’s an album favorite. I can see myself taking a tire iron to many, many windshields while listening to this one. “Bad Boy” has the whole band spinning you like a top before punching you in the gut. But you won’t get a minute’s respite because “The Paradigm of Existence” continues the assault, peppering in some elements of FEAR FACTORY (peppering!!). Opener “Insomnia” drags its feet for all of 20 seconds before it’s asses and elbows everywhere; I can see the fists flying now. “Sic Itur Ad Astra” crosses over into Breakdownland, which is something I don’t love. Nonetheless, it’s not an awful track.


The pummeling resumes with “Sunset Over Vatican” which features some interstellar melodic guitar work from the boys, and a sweet mellow interlude, all during the first 1:30. After that it’s full-scale war, but the guitar lines still manage to be sweet even while killing you. This trend continues with “Temples of Vanity”, which, like the previous track is another album favorite. I wasn’t sure how I felt about “Burn Motherfuckers” during the first spin, but after a couple more I really grew to love it. It is a politically-charged anthem (something I always love) but the music didn’t catch on for me right away. Well, two listens later and I was fully into it. I think you all will be, too! There’s a nice little musical interlude going on here, too. Bysiek and Kriss have a field day.


“Dzwiek Upadku”  is the sonic equivalent of a Tommy Gun ripping through a 1920’s gangster and disc closer/title track “Ecstasy” is all at once atmospheric, melodic, fluid, and MANSON-esque. You kind of ask yourself, “What the FUCK?!?” at first, but just go with it…it works. They did something really cool and different. Listen, when all is said and done MANIPULATION is one raging inferno of a band. And I don’t say that lightly. Ecstasy is an absolute must-have for your collection, and this band will be one to watch for years. TRUST AND BELIEVE.


STANDOUT TRACKS: “Temples of Vanity”, “Sunset Over Vatican”, Lifetime”, “Burn Motherfuckers”, “The Paradigm of Existence”




Let's imagine a musical alloy that combines the dark monumentality of BEHEMOTH plus the nowadays so beloved movement among the youth, which is deathcore respectively. The five members of MANIPULATION are skilled enough to bring you some super technical, ultra complex and heavy as hell repertory. Thus you can easily bump into a bunch of blasting machinegun fires with unmissable breakdowns, twisted guitar riffs spiced up with otherworldly melodies and fairly wicked vocalizing techniques. Musically it is a very variegated album so to say, but quite enjoyable and there's a big potential in this musicianship, just listen to their "Sunset over Vatican" song, which besides the marvelous soloing includes a decent dose of originality as well. Needless to say, the sound-production of the whole material is just crushing and as massive as possible. If you crave for extreme, here and there experimental but totally high-quality Death Metal made in Poland, don't hesitate to order the third opus of MANIPULATION! Worth to check out!!!




Многие знают польскую дэтовую сцену, даже скажем так, кто не знает пдс, тот ничего не знает о дэте )). Претенциозно, но правда. Потому представители этой страны не могут выпустить абы что, диски, которые могут подорвать авторитет пдс... , немного замкнутый круг )), не правда ли? Но что есть, то есть. Тем более - их подписал лейбл Satanath Records.

Группировка сформирована аж 16 лет назад, имеет солидное концертное поле за плечами и не такой уж и о..нный список музыкантов в своей кредитной истории. И я вижу, например, в этом свой плюс, здесь в основном играли одни и те же люди, повышали свое мастерство, исполняли далее. Всего 8 человек прошло через группу, пять из них и сейчас рубятся. Вокалисты, вижу, менялись. А так все ровно.

Формация выпустила с сабжем три полноформата, и это опять тот случай, когда качество превалирует над количеством. Во всяком случае, у меня в колонках играет сейчас подобный материал.

Это самая настоящая машина смерти, со смазанными шестеренками, но очень методично и правильно смазанная, чтобы не получилось ЖИРНО, как иногда бывает в дэте. Тут совершенно свои резоны, смазка нанесена дозировано, так чтобы агрегат несся адски верно и внутренние дела ни на секунду не тормозили динамику этой самодвижущейся мясорубки. Недавно изучал это дело поподробнее, оказывается есть мобильные убойные пункты, где разделывают КРС (крупный рогатый скот) в санитарно-правильных условиях. Вот М и напоминает такую бешено мчащуюся бойню. И главное внутри все сверкает, ибо нержавейка.

Ибо сборка гитар здесь прецизионно точна, мощна, как мотор на киловат 10-15, фарш готов, плиз на пробу, сырым не хотите? Компо строится как армейское подразделение на плацу, а потом шагает в ад, темпово, и а где и переходит на быстрый бег. Но всегда очень плотно и сплоченно, хотя это однокоренные слова. К тому же иногда сквозь стальные и потому жесткие гитарные конструкции вдруг начинает просматриваться рвущая душу мелодия — то эффект шока обеспечен.

Так как эта мелодия будто бы замедляет материал, и распластовывает его как мощный секционый нож мясника, мы можем лицезреть внутренности, которые не могут не понравиться дэт-меломанам. Убойная ритм секция — пулемет, в который только успевают вставлять ленты да поливать его водичкой для охлаждения. Упомянутая гитарная атака нередко желает быть сложной и насыщенной, да к тому же артистичной (понять можно этих людей — гитариста в М два). В траках есть кое-где элементная база, такие поля своеобразные (иногда и на минуту длиной), где ребята как бы забывают про дэт металл и наливают чугунного эмбиента (трак 2 в конце), зловещего как пьяная настойка из преисподней. Но и сеть лужайки гитарной эйфории, где соляки льются полными ручьями, причем иногда примочки пресеты на инструментах весьма оригинальные. Кажется, все вокалы исполнил один член группы, и это у него на 5 +, глотка луженая просто, низкий харш, отлично «пропеченный» и нагретый у костров или пожарищ, где собираются burn mother....ers. В 10-ом траке голос также примочен и ребята в целом делают нечто модерновое и индустриальное — закидон на перспективу.

Дэт-металлерам необходимо исследовать этот релиз на предмет нахождения в нем редкоземельных металлов, да и вообще - удовольствие получить.




Ecstasy rappresentava il terzo album per la death metal band polacca Manipulation, il disco usciva nel 2015 proponendoci un buon frullato di genere, ne troppo fissato sulla tecnica, ne esageratamente “lineare” per decidere di scartarla con troppa facilità a priori. Dalle loro fucine uscivano in tal modo tre quarti d’ora arrembanti e dal taglio moderno (ma solo per metà per essere sinceri), capaci di esaltare alcune movenze tipiche da vecchia scuola senza dover per forza rinnegare un’affilata attualità.


L’unione fra queste due visuali rendeva interessante Ecstasy, lavoro che si farà largo a suon di sonore accettate e manipolate condense ritmiche (a volte saremo persino aggrediti da strane sensazioni alternative, spunti ben affogati nel resto però, mai volenterosi nel primeggiare). Non saranno però da sottovalutare alcune serpeggianti linee melodiche che di tanto in tanto arriveranno ad infarcire il prodotto con salti di classe e voglia.


I brani presenti in tracklist scivolano via bene e non sembrano volere proporsi nel classico “passo più lungo della gamba”. Questa scelta alla lunga paga perché ci tiene inchiodati dentro una dimensione ideale, una dimensione che cerca di badare il più possibile al sodo, a ciò che l’occhio può vedere senza produrre fatica. E sarà in questo modo che rimarremo avvinghiati su pezzi sempre bilanciati, a modo loro efferati, sagaci e incantatori.


I Manipulation non solo omaggiano il timbro death metal del loro paese (una su tutte, la martoriante Sunset over Vatican) ma si divertono pure ad infarcire le loro composizioni con sparate al fulmicotone che non sfigurerebbero su qualche album di preciso e tecnico brutal di provenienza americana. Ma nonostante tutto riuscire a materializzare dove “saranno” o dove si andrà a parare da un momento all’altro resta un’impresa difficile da definire, si che non ci troviamo di fronte a chissà quale innovazione sonora, però i Manipulation riescono a confondere, a mescolare alcune cose rimanendo pur sempre a sguazzare nell’ordinario. Questo particolare mix rende quantomeno curioso Ecstasy, un album prodotto bene e suonato ancora meglio.




Овај пољски бенд је један од занимљивијих које сам чуо у последње време. Тешко их је декларисати као чист death metal састав, понајвише због тога што свој звук обогаћују великом дозом groove-a. Најбоље од свега је што албум као целина одудара од великог броја издања која се могу чути последњих година; лишен је шаблонских песама у којима се све своди или на комбинацију пуке брзине и високо-техничког свирања или на прогресивну маестралност. Вокали по мери, добра продукција и одличне, енергичне нумере красе ово издање из 2015. године. Фановима For Many Reasons ће се Еcstasy поготово свидети.




  Polski death metal. Niby taka oczywistość, ale czy na pewno? Pora na recenzję „The Future Of Immortality” zespołu Manipulation. Chwila… Przecież wydali ten album ponad dekadę temu! Owszem, wydali go w roku 2007, lecz w 2017 roku zdecydowali się na ponowne wydanie jako remaster. Wokale zostały nagrane na nowo przez nowego wokalistę.

   Warto byłoby jednak cokolwiek napisać o Manipulation. Otóż zespół ten został założony w 2001 r. w Gołdapie. Jednakże aktywny był do roku 2007, następnie w 2010 znów zaczęli grać, i grają aż do dziś.

Panowie nagrali jak dotąd dwa dema, jedną EPkę oraz trzy longplaye. Warto jednak zaznaczyć, że wydali ponownie jeden z full-lenghtów. Czy wyszło to dobrze? Zapraszam do lektury.

   Zacznę od wokali. Wokalista odwala tu naprawdę zajebistą robotę. Doświadczymy zarówno wysokich screamów, jak i niskich, gardłowych growli. Czasem możemy usłyszeć czysty wokal, lecz jak dla mnie to kompletnie zbędny zabieg. Ponadto wokalista zaznacza w bardzo dobitny sposób, że zespół jest z Polski. Mianowicie – na wstępie do „Sacred Science” możemy usłyszeć dwa popularne słowa, z którymi krzykacz ewidentnie się nie kryje. Nie wiem czy u innych zespołów często

możemy usłyszeć na początku „O kurwa!” lub „Ja pierdolę!”. Może zabieg głupi i śmieszny, tylko dla gówniarzy, ale przez to jesteśmy utwierdzeni w fakcie, że ten album jest w 100% Made In Poland. Dla kogoś może to iść na plus, dla kogoś na minus. Ja jednak na ten temat nie mam zbytnio zdania. Jest bo jest.

  Kwestia instrumentalna. Gitara, bas i perkusja bardzo dobrze ze sobą współpracują. Wszystko na tej płycie zapierdala, aby jak najmocniej odebrać dech z piersi słuchacza. Fakt, są liczne zwolnienia. Ba! Jesteśmy nawet w stanie usłyszeć nieprzesterowaną gitarę grającą podkład dla małego popisu

basisty. Po co te zwolnienia tempa? Aby wprowadzić słuchającego w niepewność i zaraz powrócić z pełną mocą. Solówki przewyborne, na najwyższym poziomie. Ton samej gitary tak samo, nie mam nic do zarzucenia. Możemy na tym albumie usłyszeć jakieś elektroniczne niuanse. Jeśli ktoś nie jest ich fanem – spokojnie, nie jest ich przesadnie dużo, można to przeżyć. A warto chociażby dla całej reszty, która jest naprawdę dobra. Nie uświadczymy tu nudy. Każdy kawałek jest inny, co chwilę pojawiają się inne motywy. Jednakże nie jest to album idealny, a jak dotąd wszystko na nim chwaliłem. Według mnie nie gra jedna rzecz. Momentami tej melodyjności jest zbyt dużo. W większości kawałków jest moment

wytchnienia i melodii. Nie przeszkadzałoby mi to, gdyby nie było tego, aż tak dużo. To idzie na

minus. No niby jest to death metal, a przypomina miejscami deathcore. Poważnie! To również mi się nie podoba. Remaster zrobiony poprawnie, wszystko gra bez zarzutów.


  Kończąc. „The Future Of Immortality” to album dobry i ambitny, ale nie jest bez wad. Zdecydowanie polecam przesłuchać każdemu. Jest to rzecz, którą spokojnie można odsłuchać parę razy. Dobra rzecz dla fanów deathmetalowego grania.







Poland is known for its quality of death metal, right from the days of Vader, and decades later, bands from that country continue to impress. For a change, they’re not trying to recreate the glory days of death metal but manipulating the sound by imbibing it with modern influences. That is the only way the genre can evolve – by looking ahead and not reminiscing endlessly. The music remains furious and intense, but also has mechanized precision, massive, hulking grooves, and numerous variations that spice up the entire affair. The structures are vibrating with raw energy and the whole spin on death metal is not too unlike what bands like Yattering, Hate and even Behemoth did with the conventional death metal template, in their respective eras. Manipulation are a new force in death metal, consisting of members of well-entrenched bands, and are here to educate us on a new breed of modern death metal music that will shatter your eardrums all the same and will probably leave a gaping hole in the ground too when they’re done with it.




Ну и перед тем, как начать делиться новинками (дадим им немного отлежаться, чтобы поспели и сгнили), еще один хороший архив из каталога Satanath Records. Сегодня наши герои – польская дэт-метал-группа Manipulation с их третьим по счёту альбомом 2015 г. «Ecstasy». Впрочем, чистый дэт – это невероятно скучно в большинстве случаев. Поэтому поляки смешали его с невесть откуда откопанным металкором (или скорее дэткором), яростным трэшем, как в старые добрые, и готишным концептом. Это некоторыми критиками по какому-то невероятию называется современным дэт-металом, но зря.


Именно благодаря такому безумному миксу жанровых приемов альбом «Ecstasy» был нами замечен и в общем-то понравился. Получилось сочно и вкусно. Всё здесь булькает, кипит и норовит выпрыгнуть из кастрюли да отправиться по городу пугать мирных жителей, слушающих в маршрутках, как именно молодой вор любит свою матушку. Да, если такое включить в наших маршрутках, все их конечные будут на кладбищах. Уж чего эти потомки Ведьмака умеют, так это нагнетать своими гитарами дурную атмосферу. Уже на третьей песне у вас весьма вероятно случится выкидыш, даже если вы не женщина и не беременны. Впрочем, через какое-то время к этому средневековому хаосу привыкаешь и хочется уже пуститься в мошевый пляс, главное – перетерпеть первые позывы. Тут всё так брутально и технично, что к концу альбома у меня выросла трехнедельная борода и появилось желание поискать свой топор дровосека. Апофеоз резни наступает где-то в середине альбома, когда барабанщику кто-то приносит старый дедовский пулемёт для записи бластбитов, а вокалист засовывает себе в горло строительный миксер и начинает плеваться кровью и мясом вперемешку со словами. Редко, но наступают в этом кромешном аду и свои атмосферные, созерцательные секунды, - вероятно, просто у гитариста рука устаёт от адского молотилова. Надо же давать нашим нервам передышку. И всё же некоторая заученная угловатость гитарных партий сильно умертвляет эту стремящуюся ожить протоплазму, и даже срабатывающий на опережение вокал не добавляет живизны. Такое иногда бывает, когда скрещиваешь жабу с ящерицей, это нормально. Впрочем, к концу альбома ты становишься настолько вымотан, что и об этом забываешь. Остаётся только память о великолепном угарном моше, который ты сплясал из последних сил, благо один в квартире – и никто не видит.

