. Satanath Records

Reviews: 014GD

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Black Sabbath-styled doom metal has always owed a debt to the blues artists of days past, and Dirty Grave are no exception. Originating in the fertile underground of São Paulo, Brazil, Dirty Grave play traditional doom metal with a healthy dose of psychedelia.


On their forthcoming Evil Desire, Dirty Grave paid tribute to the blues with a cover of Chicago blues legend Willie Dixon’s “Evil (Is Going On).” Their version is faithful but still manages to add their own spin on the classic song; listen now, and pre-order the album here.





The power of the riff is important in most forms of metal (though certainly not all), but it’s perhaps especially vital in forms of traditional occult doom and stoner metal. A band in those related genres can go a long way riding a well-muscled riff steed, especially if they can mess with your mind while they’re moving your head. The Brazilian doom metal band Dirty Grave have proven that on their debut album, Evil Desire.


They self-released the album as a digital download back in mid-July as a two-man band (vocalist/guitarist Mark Rainbow and guitarist Victor Berg), but now the Belarusian label GrimmDistribution and the British label Todestrieb Records are joining forces to give it a CD release on October 18. We’re highlighting one song from the album today — “Until the Day I Die” — with a new video for the track. And we’re also able to report that drummer Arthur Assis has re-joined the band, and that the trio are now at work on a second album


Visions of Pentagram, Sabbath, and Saint Vitus may enter your head as you listen to “Until the Day I Die“. It’s a mid-paced head-mover in its opening minutes, propelled by thick, icy-cold, but primally compelling riffage and by drum and bass rhythms that are just as head-nodding in their effect. As you might expect, the vocals are clean — but also unclean. They’re nasty and gritty, as well as very effective in helping carry the melody.


The music gets nastier, too. When the pace slows, the song oozes pestilence and putrefaction, and then it becomes, hazy, narcotic, and spectral, with a deep dive into psychedelia thanks to a guitar solo and the vocalist’s rising wails. But you’ll get one more chance to move your head before the trip ends.




Enjoy “Until I Die” below, and we’ve also included the band’s official video for the album opener “Satan’s Wings“, which will give you a taste of Dirty Grave when they step on the accelerator.



Diretamente de Orlândia/SP, esse trio dinâmico de Doom Metal apresenta o seu primeiro disco da carreira, completamente focados numa temática “old school” do gênero.


As faixas demonstram nada mais do que o básico do estilo mesmo: Batidas psicotrópicas de aspecto “dark”, peso moderado, vocais à la “Ozzy Osbourne” e outras peculiaridades. Confesso que achei a premissa bastante interessante a princípio, mas ao longo do disco, começa a ficar um tanto quanto cansativo. O que não quer dizer que seja um álbum bastante descontraído e com uma temática praticamente esquecida no tempo.


Destaque para as faixas “Satan’s Wings” com sua pegada arremetendo muito ao disco “Master Of Reality (1971)” do Black Sabbath e também a grandiosa “Remorse” seguindo a mesma linha. Vale muito a conferida !!!


Disco muito interessante e que agradará bastante aos fãs “oitentistas” da cena Doom. Recomendado!





Tele a padlás a Black Sabbath által inspirált, a hetvenes évek zenéjében gyökerező doom zenekarokkal. Az okkult tematika pedig mintha kéz a kézben járna ezzel a mára már komplett alstílussá terebélyesedő színtérrel: elég ehhez a zászlóvivők, az Electric Wizard nevét megemlíteni. A brit csapat idei produkciója (lemezkritika ITT) elég ötlettelenre és hervadtra sikeredett, mintha kezdene kifogyni a szufla a bandából. Szerencsére mostanság szinte minden bokorban csörömpöl egy hasonszőrű együttes: a brazil Dirty Grave "Evil Desire" című debütalbumát a fehérorosz GrimmDistribution jelentette meg október 18-án. Nos, a dél-amerikai brigád szemtelenségben, ötletességben és általános rockzúzásban bőven rá is ver a nagynevű példaképekre.



A brazil trió (Mark Rainbow gitáros/énekes, Arthur Assis dobos és Victor Berg gitáros) a zenéjét egyértelműen a hetvenes évek, blues-inspirálta doom metaljára alapozza, ennek tiszteletére pedig fel is dolgozták a Willie Dixon által írt, és Howlin' Wolf által felvett chicagói blues-klasszikust, az Evil (Is Going On) című tételt. Természetesen alaposan átalakították a dalt, így csak a standard szerkezetből és a dalszövegből lehet ráismerni, de egyáltalán nem lóg ki a szám az albumról, sem dallamaiban, sem pedig hangulatában.


Ahogy elindult a korong és meghallottam az éneket, azt hittem, hogy valami nem stimmel az audioanyaggal. Mark Rainbow hangja ugyanis rendkívül furcsa, szinte bizarr: folyamatosan elcsúszik, ha tetszik, hamis, szinte szövegmondásszerű, ráadásul rendkívül hányaveti, mintha egy kétezres évek közepi brit garázsrock banda produkcióját hallgatnánk. Magas fekvésű vokálja teljesen elüt a stílusban megszokottaktól és azonnal hoz egy korántsem általános, különös ízt a szerzeményekbe. Pontosan olyan éneklés ez, mely végletesen képes megosztani a hallgatóságot: bizonyosan lesz olyan, aki azonnal befejezi rövid ismeretségét a brazil csapattal, aki azonban türelmes, annak többszörösen meg fogja hálálni a rá szánt időt az "Evil Desire".


Ez a szemtelen garázsrock érzés az Until The Day I Die nótában teljesedik ki, mely - a pulzáló porszívó-riffeket leszámítva - simán ráférhetett volna bármelyik korai Arctic Monkeys albumra is. De már itt belefutunk egy pszichedelikus elszállásba a középrészben, mely előrejelzi az egész anyag hangulatát. Gyanítom ugyanis, hogy ez a lelazult atmoszféra nem kis mértékben a matéteának vagy annál valamivel erősebb serkentőszereknek tulajdonítható.


A címadó tétel egy igazi, blues-ihlette ős-doom tétel, mely a második felétől kellemes jammelésbe csap át. A szólók is nagyon a helyükön vannak: spórolós, kimért, de kifejezetten ötletes gitármunkát hallhatunk. Szó sincs itt semmiféle modern, villantós megközelítésről: az ólomsúlyú, málhás riffek mellé alapvetően a pentatónia világából érkező hagyományos szólókat kapunk.


Az egyik gyorsabb tétel esetében (You Dead) beugorhat a Candlemass neve is az egyértelműbben riffelős tempó miatt, de természetesen a brazilok nem találták fel a meleg vizet: a Trouble, a Pentagram mind-mind az eszünkbe juthat a nagy brit stílusalapító mellett, de a Dirty Grave a frontember már említett, teljesen szokatlan előadásmódja miatt mégis valahogy jó értelemben kilóg a színtérről.


Negyvenegy percnyi a játékidő, a megszólalás lecsontozott, de kellemesen analógos, mondhatni hagyománytisztelő. Nincsenek többszörözött hangsávok, gyakorlatilag a stílusban majd' ötven éve megszokott hangzással találkozhatunk. Aki ötletes, rendkívül pimasz és kellemesen leszedált doom/stoner metalra vágyik, az a Dirty Grave bemutatkozásával nem tévedhet: a doom temetői, borongós hangulata és tematikája ellenére - tudom önellentmondás, de - több élet van az "Evil Desire" korongban, mint a százszámra zajongó pályatársakéiban. Nincs világmegváltás, nincs progresszivitás: így kell játszani egy félévszázados múlttal rendelkező, többször eltemetett zenei formát úgy, hogy frissnek hasson.





Primeira coisa: o volume da mistura deste álbum de estreia dos nossos irmãos brasileiros Dirty Grave é estupidamente baixo. Por muito precários que sejam os meios, é estranho termos nos dias de hoje algo com tão baixo volume. Até parece que querem esconder ou têm vergonha de algo. Até porque não há nada com que se envergonharem. Temos um heavy/doom de qualidade, daquele que nos remete para a herança deixada por bandas como Black Sabbath ou Pentagram. São oito temas (como manda a tradição) cheio de feeling metálico primordial. Mesmo sem ser intenso - a questão do volume também ajuda, é uma excelente estreia e um bom nome a ter em conta no panorama brasileiro.





From Brazil, we have "Dirty Grave". Their album "Evil Desire" is some sort of hard rock in the early-70s style, influenced by Black Sabbath and probably also by some other satanic bands from then. Something special with this band are the really fast solos and the doom-oriented slow parts. Much more metalish than any other hard rock band in the style, with a lot of groove in it. There is enough tempo variety as for not getting bored; nevertheless, you have to be pretty much into this kind of rock. Not for fans of fast music. Very solid, all the instruments combine with each other and the vocals fit particularly well, which is something hard to find in underground bands of this kind.





Traditionellen Heavy Doom zelebrieren die beiden Mannen von DIRTY GRAVE aus Brasilien. Deren erstes Album, welches auf den Namen "Evil Desire" getauft und ursprünglich bereits in digitaler Form Anfang des Jahres veröffentlicht wurde, ist im letzten Monat durch den Underground-Vertrieb GrimmDistribution (Partner von Satanath Records) aus Belarus in Kooperation mit Todestrieb Records aus UK auf CD veröffentlicht worden. Am Schlagwerk nahm Arthur Assis Platz, scheint aber kein festes Mitglied der Band zu sein - jedenfalls gibt es kein Promo-Foto mit ihm.





DIRTY GRAVE gründeten sich bereits im Jahr 2013, veröffentlichten zeitnah eine erste selbst-betitelte EP, die es bisher jedoch nur in einer digitalen Version gibt. Im nächsten Jahr brachte man dann die Single "Vol. II" heraus. Nun folgt mit "Evil Desire" der erste Langspieler. Das Album präsentiert sich dabei von Anfang an ohne große Schnörkel, sondern kommt direkt zur Sache. Traditioneller, von dichten Rauchschwaden durchzogener, von paranoiden Träumen und drogengeschwängertem Rausch heimgesuchter Heavy / Doom Metal, der seine Einflüsse eindeutig in der Musik von Bands wie SAINT VITUS, den älteren ELECTRIC WIZARD oder BLACK SABBATH hat. Langsam und schleppend, mal etwas wilder, düster und mystisch, manches Mal sehr okkult und auch satanisch. Aber auch persönlich ("Remorse"). Vereinzelt tauchen auch ein paar chorale Gesänge auf, wie bei "Evil Desire" oder auch ein leichter Hauch düsterer Ambient ("Beyond the Door"), genauso wie eingestreute Solo-Passagen, die das allgemeine Geschehen etwas auflockern und auch interessant halten. Der Gesang ist ebenfalls sehr traditionell gehalten und gibt in Passagen gar verschiedene Facetten wider. Eins der Highlights des Albums ist dabei auf jeden Fall das Cover der Blues-Legende WILLIE DIXON, der zu Lebzeiten viele bedeutende Lieder des Genres verfasste und auch selbst mit diversen Künstlern interpretierte. DIRTY GRAVE haben aus dem Song eine einzige Hommage gemacht, denn auch wenn hier deutlich der Doom Rock dominiert, lässt man doch die Wurzeln des Blues erkennen.



Ein Album, welches keiner langen Worte bedarf. "Evil Desire" ist authentischer Old School Heavy Doom Metal, den man entweder mag oder es bleiben lässt. Die puristische Produktion tut ihr übriges dazu, dass das Werk für Genre-Einsteiger auch nicht gerade leicht zu verdauen sein wird, Anhänger der bereits oben genannten Bands werden sich hier aber auf Anhieb heimisch fühlen. Ein Werk zwischen schleppender Melancholie und düsterem Satanskult, welches sich ganz dem alten Weg verschrieben hat und sich auch gezielt an dessen Anhängerschaft richtet. Interessenten aus Deutschland wird hier wohl nicht viel mehr bleiben, als sich direkt an GrimmDistribution oder an Todestrieb Records zu wenden, welche die CD auch gerade im Angebot haben. Das Album selbst kommt im Jewelcase und ist auf 500 Exemplare limitiert. Indes ist mir bisher kein heimischer Mailorder aufgefallen, der die CD führt. Wer exotische Editionen in seiner Sammlung schätzt, kann jedoch auch sein Glück versuchen, um an eine Auflage aus dem Hause Doom Stew Records zu kommen, welche das Album als limitierte CD im Digipak und als Kassette für den amerikanischen Raum veröffentlichten.


Traditonal and Devil Worshipping Heavy Doom Metal. Richtet sich klar an die Puristen und Anhänger des alten Kultes!





Full length d’esordio per i paulisti Dirty Grave, band il cui sound deriva in maniera quanto mai esplicita dai giganti del classic doom, partendo dai Black Sabbath per arrivare ai Saint Vitus e, soprattutto, ai Pentagram.


Il gruppo del redivivo Bobby Liebling pare essere, infatti, il principale punto di riferimento di questi musicisti, i quali non si pongono particolari problemi al riguardo, offrendo una prova di sostanza che, probabilmente, non entrerà negli annali del genere ma è ugualmente in grado di lasciare buone sensazioni all’ascoltatore.

Uno dei pregi del trio brasiliano è quello di non risultare monotematico, consentendo alla propia matrice tradizionalmente doom di espandersi verso sfumature diverse, come il blues della cover di Willie Dixon, Evil (Is Going On), l’inprinting hendrixiano della title track, l’hard rock psichedelico di Satan’s Wings, questo tanto per citare solo alcune della canzoni di un album piuttosto scorrevole e che lascia in chiusura la più oscura e minacciosa The Black Cloud Comes.

Psichedelia e blues sono comunque le due componenti che vanno a compenetrarsi con le radici più profonde del doom il che, complice una produzione abbastanza sporca, conferisce all’album quell’aura vintage che indubbiamente si confà a simili coordinate sonore.

Evil Desire è un lavoro più che onesto da parte di una band capace comunque di trasmettere buone vibrazioni e che trova il modo di non tediare l’ascoltatore grazie ad un approccio piacevolmente naif.





What would you get if you crossed early Trouble and classic-era Pentagram with a more modern doom vibe?


The riffs are totally Wartell and Franklin by way of Victor Griffin, infused with more than a touch of Dave Chandler (St. Vitus) guitar tone…all of which can also be easily traced back to Tony Iommi and Sabbath, especially circa Master of Reality.  Doom metal, through and through.


Even so, there’s something about the proudly off-key, quavering to stoned vocal delivery that says bands like Witchcraft, Count Raven or even Reverend Bizarre…and a few riffs that bring 90’s bands like Corrosion of Conformity to mind (“until the day I die”, “evil desire”).


That said, you can also track the chain of influences to Carnival Bizarre-era Cathedral or The Obsessed on “evil desire”, so the apple never falls all that far from the tree, so to speak.


Yeah, they’re best when working the faster, more directly Psalm 9/Relentless riffing. But I love all the older bands mentioned herein, and don’t exactly mind the newer ones noted either.


Did you expect anything less than a well earned nod of respect to these Brazilian traditional doomsters?




Hace un tiempo el sello «Satanath Records», de Rusia, se puso en contacto conmigo para que hiciera varias reseñas de algunos de sus discos. Fue algo que me sorprendió y que me alegró un montón, y tras estas semanas, escuchando y decidiendo cual sería el primero ya lo tengo claro.






Que mejor manera de empezar con un grupo de doom y con un sonido tremendo y pesado. Con canciones lentas que nos recordarán mucho a grandes bandas como «Black Sabbath» y «San Vitus». Y es que nada más abrir el primer tema de este disco de «Dirty Grave», se ve con claridad la influencias que tienen, y es que «Satan´s Wings» comienza con un riff de guitarra que ya nos hará mover la cabeza, pero pronto descubriremos la línea del bajo, que tendrá mucha importancia en todo el tema, ya que es la gran base en la que se asienta este power trio brasileño para presentarse. La batería seguirá una base continua, con algún cambio pero en este tema en particular la importancia se la llevan las cuerdas. La voz tendrá un cierto eco que le da ese toque oscuro al tema, y al disco. No hay que dejar de lado el punteo, que sin ser un algo grandioso y virtuoso encaja a la perfección. Al igual que el juego a dos voces y es que la temática de la letra, como se deja intuir en el titulo de la canción, pide ese juego diabólico.



Pero este redondo tiene 8 pistas, dejan muy clara la personalidad de la banda, con una cadencia perfecta y unos tempos lentos que harán las delicias de los amantes del doom más clásico y sin voces guturales. Y es que estos tres chicos; Mark (bajo y voz), Victor (guitarras) y Arthur (batería), puede que no hayan inventado nada, pero trabajan este estilo muy bien, de forma correcta y guiado hacia las sombras, ya que no solo el sonido tiene ese toque tenebroso, sus letras acompañan en todo momento.

Como punto de diferencia tenemos el corte siete «You Dead» siendo el más acelerado del disco, con guitarras que repiten frases hasta la saciedad y punteos afilados, acompañados de una batería simple pero muy funcional, con una caja que nos reventará la cabeza y un bajo que estará en las sombras pero rellenando cada hueco necesario.

Algo que también me ha gustado mucho es la duración de los temas, tenemos el último de ocho minutos y otros de seis y cuatro, pero no se hacen pesados gracias al juego musical que hacen, también aviso que hay que estar preparado para estos tiempos en esta banda, ya que se tocan su tiempo para llegar al final, y la voz, en especial en «The black cloud comes» tiene un toque derrotista genial, que los instrumentos se encargan de potenciar, y además este tema tiene un solo de batería, pero calmado y para disfrutar varias veces, con un juego de baquetas paseando por cada membrana y plato despacio, disfrutando de cada golpe mientras las cuerdas van sonando casi una a una, para mí uno de los mejores y un gran cierre de disco. Con melodías de viaje astral, como si fuéramos al infierno paseando con desgana, sabiendo que nos espera un final funesto, pero sin querer evitarlo y degustando cada paso con amor y cariño, el mismo con el que esta tocado este tema en particular.

No quiero dejar de señalar «Evil (is going on)» y lo mucho que me nos hará ver las influencias de las que hablaba antes, puede que los más puristas puedan nombrar a «Pentagram» pero a esa banda la tengo muy olvidada y no me atrevería a nombrarla sin estar seguro, pero tiene la paciencia de «Saint Vitus» para llevarnos hasta el final del tema y esos riffs tan personales de la banda de Ozzy, sobre todo al inicio, y acabando con un punteo magistral.




En definitiva una banda brasileña que no han inventado la rueda, pero que saben muy bien como hacerla rodar, y con una personalidad y carácter propios que gustará a todos los amantes del doom más clásico y que gusten de disfrutar de canciones lentas y largas.





Lo sosterrò sempre, sino alla morte: certo doom è molto più maligno di tanto black pomposo e mascherato come i suoi componenti. I Dirty Grave sono protagonisti di uno spassionato inno agli anni ‘settanta e a tutto il doom di quel periodo. I suoni, le registrazioni, le auree soffuse… Lord Vicar ne sarebbe orgoglioso, ne son sicuro. I brasiliani hanno messo su un bel baraccone, fatto di Black Sabbath e Cirith Ungol, un doom seminale ma non troppo, chitarre con suoni vecchi di quasi cinquant’anni e atmosfere leggermente psichedeliche. E non è forse questo il diavolo? Una ragazza nuda con la maschera di capro che danza sinuosa e sensuale sopra una tomba ancestrale nel ben mezzo di un cimitero in un ipnotico plenilunio? Questo trasmette l’album, una sorta di inno alla malvagità vista come morbosa e ammiccante malizia senza freni o remore, dove il male è libertà d’espressione e controtendenza. Questo disco riporta indietro il tempo ad un tempo che più non c’è. Grazie.





PENTAGRAM was one of my first forays into the Doom Metal genre almost two decades ago, and although I can appreciate the 70s and late 90s line-ups, Victor Griffin on guitar is PENTAGRAM to me. I’ve not heard of DIRTY GRAVE before but “Evil Desire” is their debut full length release, having come out last year. You’d associate Brazil more with groups like SEPULTURA and SARCOFAGO, but the chance to listen to some new traditional Doom Metal is always welcome. The band certainly wears their influences on their sleeve, so the best point of reference would be to imagine a combination of all eras of PENTAGRAM and SAINT VITUS. Apparently, the guys recorded this themselves at home, which I didn’t realize until after listening a few times. It’s really well done, and rivals the work of stuff done in a professional studio. It’s thick, balanced and crisp.The instruments are really pleasing to the ear, and Victor Berg (coincidence?) nails his namesake’s 80s tone which is excellent. Throughout the album, there’s at least one or two catchy riffs per song but nothing ground-breaking. The solos on this are really bloody cool too, the guy can obviously play. The drumming is solid and has some interesting fills, but as there’s no drummer credit, am not sure if it’s really well programmed MIDI, or a drummer. Mark channels his inner Liebling with mixed results. Most of the time it’s serviceable and pleasing, but it does descend from homage to parody, most noticeably in 'Until The Day I Die'. He growls from the throat like Bobby in 'Dying World' and 'The Deist', and I unfortunately burst out laughing. I really like the vocals on the closer, 'The Black Cloud Comes' as they sound much more natural. As for the songs themselves, the seven originals and the Willie Dixon cover are diverse in sound and mood. The highlights for me include 'Satan’s Wings', 'Until The Day I Die' (vocals aside), the really atmospheric 'Remorse', and the driving 'You Dead' which is short and to the point. There’s no stinkers on this record, it’s just that stylistically something is jarring about their take on mashing 70s and 80s sounds together. It has enjoyable moments, and I’m really happy that they’re inspired heavily by the 80s PENTAGRAM sound, you can tell they’re really passionate about the music. With a bit of refinement and focus, I think these guys have some real potential to write a killer album and I’m looking forward to the future. You should at least give this a listen and decide for yourself, especially if you’re a fan of their influences.




Ragionando sul Brasile in campo musicale, è sicuramente più semplice pensare ai Sepultura e alla samba che al Doom, tuttavia — tra un carnevale di Rio e una "Ratamahatta" — a volte capita anche di avere a che fare con gruppi come i Dirty Grave. Il duo carioca composto da Mark Rainbow (basso e voce) e Victor Berg (chitarra) taglia il traguardo dell'album di esordio con "Evil Desire", e già la copertina può darci un'indicazione importante sul fatto che non troveremo musica particolarmente colorata e felice all'interno.


Basteranno davvero pochi secondi e chiunque abbia una minima infarinatura sull'argomento potrà riconoscere immediatamente le influenze dei Dirty Grave: gli imprescindibili Black Sabbath e Pentagram, i Saint Vitus e i Count Raven, quindi quelle sonorità direttamente discendenti dal Blues più scuro e quei suoni grassi e acidi, edulcorati sporadicamente con qualche variante psichedelica e qualche effluvio più catacombale che potrebbe ricordare i Mercyful Fate e i Death SS. Stiamo dunque parlando di quel plumbeo Doom primordiale, lisergico e occulto, sporco ma ancora in odore di estate 1969: un'espressione musicale che tutti noi conosciamo bene, un approccio assolutamente vintage, nel caso specifico forse un po' ingenuo ma certamente efficace.


La vera e unica pecca di "Evil Desire" è quella di non uscire davvero mai dal seminato, perché i due musicisti non fanno altro che ripercorrere pedissequamente il sentiero tracciato mezzo secolo fa dai padri (putativi e non) del genere. Non voglio dire che la riproposizione degli stilemi classici debba essere per forza di cose sbagliata, tuttavia un po' di personalità in più e un minimo di fantasia nell'applicazione della materia sono dei fattori che avrebbero avuto un peso molto positivo nell'esito globale. Bisogna necessariamente puntualizzare che i Dirty Grave scrivono a chiare lettere nel libretto che non hanno nessuna intenzione di innovare alcunché, ma che il loro unico proposito è celebrare il Doom: proposito cui indiscutibilmente fanno senza dubbio onore.


Potremmo pontificare a lungo su quanto possa essere utile nel 2018 un disco non particolarmente ispirato che non si discosta di una virgola dai canoni di cinquant'anni fa e che potrebbe essere una raccolta di b-sides dei gruppi succitati, tuttavia non ne verremo mai a capo. Pur limitandosi a eseguire un buon compito senza particolari picchi emozionali, non stiamo di certo parlando di un album brutto; "Evil Desire" è un lavoro derivativo, che non altererà minimamente la vostra visione del mondo, ma che potrà comunque essere di vostro gradimento se amate spasmodicamente la forma primaria e più classica del Doom.




Wow... now, this is something completely different. Mark Rainbow and Victor Berg form this band called Dirty Grave and they sort of live up the band's name: their lyrics are all about primitive satanic rituals, all kind of evilness, suicidal thoughts, but also about regular life topics, like a distant love or relationship. The music, however, steals the main role here, and takes you on a journey where you are about to see such old road signs as "sounds like Ozzy-era Sabbath", or "reminds me a little bit of Kyuss' Welcome to Sky Valley ", or whatever else that throws you gently back in time, and some vintage, pot-reeking and authentic proto-Doom Metal sounds.


Listening to Evil Desire makes you almost feel like watching a band rehearsing or playing live in front of your nose. I mean, this Brazilian duo does sound THAT authentic. There's just nothing fake or glued about their sound at all. It's all about finding the right feeling and vibe to JAM; jam hard 'til you sweat, like who cares for tomorrow: this is the moment where I want to give it all out of myself.




Dirty Grave's debut full-length pays homage to the pioneers of Doom metal.




Two talented lads from Brazil pay tribute to their doom metal heroes in their first full length album. The album is fun to listen despite the rather unfortunate use of programmed drums.


'Evil Desire' is the first full length album by Brazilian Doom metal band Dirty Grave. It is released through Bandcamp in digital format only. This is an independent home-made production, as stated in the info sheet. Prior to this, Dirty Grave had officially released a total of about 40 minutes of music; a self-titled 25-minute EP in 2013 which was followed by 'Vol. II', a 4-track short release in 2014.


Within the first seconds of the album it is obvious that the band does not hide their influences. The bands Black Sabbath and Pentagram are the first to come to mind and you may occasionally wonder whether you have heard that riff before. Indeed, their liner notes begin with a thank-you to Pentagram, Saint Vitus and Black Sabbath.


As the whole album is heavily influenced by bands like the above, there is a plethora of great riffs along with some solid lead guitar work. The old-school vibrato is reminiscent of Iommi’s and definitely in-style for a recording of this kind. Speaking of the lead guitar, there are some good solos with an occasional fast run here and there. Shredding may seem a bit out of context in some places, however these modern elements add to the end result. Overall, the guitar has a very nice early Doom feel with the riffs being the band’s strength! The vocals are most of the time clean and reminiscent of Pentagram. The bass is tight, has a good sound and is well performed. The recording could possibly benefit from a bigger and more aggressive bass sound and maybe some more bass fills. After all, this should have been a power trio where the bass and drums have a lot of space to fill.


Unfortunately, this is a home production and it does sound like there are no real drums or drummer. The always-the-same sound of the drums without any dynamics whatsoever point to a midi-programmed use of sample. Although this may not be evident to some listeners, and the programming is not bad, overall the production at times lacks character and dynamics and gets a bit tiring after a while. This should not be much of a problem in some other genres, but given that the song writing is good and the proto-Doom metal vibe has been very nicely recreated, it sounds like a lost chance for (what could have been otherwise) a great record.


Nevertheless, the music is good, the riffs are there, and the album is entertaining and will certainly appeal to Pentagram fans. Surely, it would have been much better if the technical challenges of a recording were properly addressed. But life goes on, and Dirty Grave’s album is out there to be enjoyed, along with a cold beer, free on YouTube or at a very small price on Bandcamp if you want to support the band.


In conclusion, there are some great moments in this recording and a cool vibe that a stoner doom fan will definitely appreciate.



Editor's note: After this review was written, we learned that the album is now available in CD format through GrimmDistribution (Belarus), Todestrieb (UK) and Doom Stew (USA, also issuing on tape). In Brazil, a multi-label CD release will include the EP 'Dirty Grave' as a bonus.




Cathedral  parece ser al doom/stoner lo que Iron Maiden al heavy metal. Cada nueva banda que ingresa a las ya muy trilladas aguas del doom cae inevitablemente en las comparaciones, y en mayor o menor medida dichas comparaciones son siempre fundadas. Los brasileños Dirty Grave no son la excepción y debutan con un álbum que le debe demasiado a la banda de Dorrian y cia.

“Evil desire” es un disco muy bien ejecutado, los músicos son muy competentes cada uno en los suyo (aunque creo que la batería está programada), el concepto general está a la altura de grandes producciones, pero (y aquí viene la gran contra), en estos casos se necesita mucho más que virtuosismo y técnica para trascender y evitar ser considerados meros clones, y originalidad es la palabra clave.

Al igual que los últimos trabajos de (otra vez!!!) Cathedral, “Evil desire” no es un disco que atrape de primera, merced a la falta de gancho de la mayoría de sus temas y a la indisimulable monotonía que lo envuelve. Por otra parte, estoy seguro que los fans de Cathedral, Pentagram, Saint Vitus y (cuando no!) Black Sabbath encontraran en este álbum todo lo que sus oídos necesitan: riffs hipnóticos, un bajo omnipresente, atmósferas desérticas y un vocalista que es un tributo en sí mismo a Bobby Liebling.

En síntesis, “Evil desire” es un disco sólo para fans incondicionales del estilo. El crédito está abierto.




Brazilian doom metal. I don’t know if I have heard such a thing before. But there is always a first time for everything. And DIRTY GRAVE might just be my first Brazilian doom experience. I wouldn’t say that this is traditional doom metal. Apart from the obvious Black Sabbath references this give me a Hawkwind kinda vibe. There is a psychedelia feeling to this that gives it an edge. If you can imagine Trouble having gone to bed with Jefferson Airplane you might get some idea of what this sounds like. At first I wasn’t too impressed but as I continued listening I got more and more hooked on this. This is actually really cool.




Ну вот смотрите слева вверху. Это думовый стоунеровский шрифт. Как только - так сразу. Чтобы узнавали. Я узнал.

Возьмем сразу DIRTY GRAVE за рога. Это бразильская команда, из страны, где много трэша, дэта, есть немало павера. И вот, оказывается, еще и неплохо с думом там, причем с олдовым думом. Как ребята сподобились, - не пойму, но факт к факту, тлен к тлену... в этом году исполнится шесть лет поразительному явлению из города Орландии. Эпишка, сингл, сабжевый диск. Потом был международный сплит с американцами - по думу ребята отработали с воодушевлением.

Кстати, первая песня Satan's Wings - это быстрый дум, а точнее блюз рок дум. С этим трэком сразу погружаешься в конец 60-х, когда возникло и утонуло немало роковых групп, творящих музыку из блюзового вдохновения. Вот и DIRTY GRAVE решил долбануть по фаст-блюзу, оккультному в низких частотах, полифонией голосов, яростью и ненавистью из Миссисипи (где рождался стиль), и благодаря гитарному извержению под названием Ибанез. Кстати, я не знаю, сознательно или инстинктивно, или так получилось, - ближе к концу трэка интонирующий вокал начинает походить на Кинг Даймонда (кстати в о7 - You Dead - голос Марка уходит в такой верх, что опять я вспомнил КД, и там же он меняет голоса (отлично, надо было почаще это делать)

Until The Day I Die — по нормальному реально думовая, уже в рамках Black Sabbath и иже с ним. Медленная, как полагается трансовая, со специфическим извивающимся вокалом. Только вокал ОЗЗИ, например, кой-кому не нравится, а вот помягче... или... вокал ведь может быть разным. Это поняли очень быстро после ОЗЗИ в каком-то лохматом году. И все равно, кажется, ОЗЗИ заложил основы думового вокала.

Потому копировать не надо , нужно соответствовать музыкальному материалу. Марк старается, и у него выходит. У него нет постоянных сверхвысоких обертонов, у него есть обаяние и прекрасное чувство вокалиста где надо давить на гашетку... а уж его диалоги с гитарой заставят испугаться любого психолога.

Бразильцы настойчиво исследовали предмет своей любви и уверенно воспроизводят его на диске, давая и нам неведомым образом прикоснуться к ЖИВЫМ 60-м. Возьмите Evil Desire, где прямо слышишь и видишь ритмическую ритуальную проходку жреца вуду. Его заклинания и поднятые в темное небо руки...

Один из топовых трэков на диске - кавер Вилли Диксона. Это такой блюзовый мэн, которого, может быть, вы и не знали по имени, но его песни обязательно слышали в исполнении Моторхэд, Роллингов, Цеппелинов, Крим... и вот DIRTY GRAVE. Это дум блюз, и Марк на 66,6 процентов дает блюзмена. Кавер помогает отчетливо понять, что почем, и что из чего выросло. Красиво.

После такого произведения музыканты продолжают валить в стиле дум блюз, и делают это непринужденно, с бразильской горячностью и большим гитарным мастерством Виктора Берга.

Кто не пускался в такие исторические дебри, советую ознакомиться из любопытства и для исследования корней металла. А тот, кто в теме, найдет для себя кой-какие бразильские редкости, которые можно с гордостью поставить на полочку.




The most straightforward way to describe Dirty Grave’s album is to say ‘Saint Vitus.’ This album clones Saint Vitus’ debut. There is a little more going on so let us jump in. This black/doom metal act has listened intently to the first Saint Vitus album, picked up Pentagram influences along the way and added a few psychedelic influences after overdosing on its drug of choice. Until The Day I Die and Evil Desire also hint at early Judas Priest. The logo is influenced by the early one from the Birmingham/Los Angeles band that has been on its farewell and final tour since 1995. Add the Satanic elements and goodness of black metal, as signified by the lyrics and the photographs of a sexy goat of a chick, and there you have it.

The psychedelic and hallucinogenic effects are present in both the vocals and music. The bass is prominent, but not obvious if that makes sense. The singer sounds out of it, which is perfect for the music (and his dealer). The drummer has a terrible, but not annoying, sound to his snare, which is in point of fact better than the expensive pots and pan-ish sound so-called high-end drummers pay $10,000 to achieve. He keeps the simplest of beats and is largely unaware of what the other two guys in the band are doing. He is tripping on his own groove and he cannot care less – unless his band members reach for his stash. The Satanic and gloomy lyrics are a change of pace. Unfortunately, the grammar needs some polishing. At one point the vocalist sings “… you dead,” but it sounds like “god is dead.” Listen for the simplistic noise solo on the track. Beyond The Door has a story under its effects and keyboards. Remorse is a clone of Saint Vitus and contains psychedelia. The aforementioned You Dead picks up the pace and is actually the best track here. There is a tightness and groove to the band’s acceleration. There is a booming catchiness here. Track number eight is eight minutes of simultaneously experimental and laidback heaviness.

Owing to its simplicity Evil Desire is quite easy to get into. The band has few pretensions. It is cool to see Satan find his way back into doom metal again. The front and back cover chick needs more nudity, but hey beggars cannot be choosers.




I will begin this review with a cite from the booklet: "We're not here to innovate, we're here to celebrate the Doom". Hence do not expect other. What you'll exactly get? Well, it's traditional Doom Metal, which has been performed by fanatic passion and total dedication. The bands of admiration are PENTAGRAM, SAINT VITUS and, of course, BLACK SABBATH. But musically, in my opinion, the first 2 did a bigger impact on their 8-song set. The 41 minutes long album that is, by the way, the first full-length album of these Brazilian doomsters perfectly fits into the DNA of the aforementioned triumvirate. The technical skills of the musicians are so incredible and remarkable, I can't really explain it to you in words, it is something you have to listen first to believe. Hats off to them! In the middle of the stuff, there was an unexpected song, which in fact is a cover song on Willie Dixon's "Evil (Is Going On)" and let me say it was a perfect choice. I also have to point out the flawless soloing work of Victor Berg, which is superb in all possible ways! He literally plays down the stars from the sky. In a word, I am eagerly looking forward to any of their future releases!!!




Dirty Grave is a Brazilian band that sounds like in an era of Black Sabbath with Ozzy. Their music is like open book and from there I can write that their British metal influences are in general, quite huge. There are other bands that have impact on their music and those are Saint Vitus, Pentagram but I would also add Cathedral to the picture. Of course Black Sabbath was heavy metal, doom metal, blues and even much more - they were the beginning of it all - what is now, which Dirty Grave is a goo example of.


Dirty Grave is a doom metal, at least Evil Desire album is. This is what I hear first but they have a spirit of heavy metal in them and this spirit  is very aged. And it`s in all those songs too. The sound on this album is old school, dirty, but paradox-ally, it`s maybe a result of homemade record which is where they`ve wrapped up the whole album and that why it sounds a bit undone. It does not mean it`s very bad because that would not be accurate, it`s just sound flat - which for me is fairly good.


When I found a solution and played the album a little louder, the music begun to make a better sense and I have jumped into the vibe of the music that people knew, before I was even born. Black Sabbath was witchy band at times and I am sure that Dirty Grave was haunted by their music so much because they just sound so unbelievable alike them that I can`t even find much of Brazilian side to it. The good thing is that I like this album because it has very good lyrics and the music. OK some of it sounds familiar to this or that band but Evil Desire is the album I want to listen because it has very honest music here. It`s none modernistic metal, very in tradition of classic doom and heavy metal with little insanity and hallucinogenic way of writing songs. Sometimes I feel that Satan`s always near but there is no Satan, OK? It`s just how I feel when I think about it and read some evil lyrics.


Musically they are on the edge of hipnotic trance and lyrics are something to make you follow this album even more. Vocals sounds delusional, like on the edge of suicide but very good, with voice modulation and feeling but no pitiness. Most of the music and the sound are very heavy metal rooted ( good guitar solos) and you know; Evil Desire is the album I have good times with. And that`s the good point to stick to it and I do. They extends (not innovate anything) some well known ideas from the past - from the classic metal albums but aimlessly, with no desire to play like any other band. All album has diverse songs and I actually can`s write there is any bad song, so I am happy to have only good ones.


Basically, look for this album with Dirty Grave logo on front cover and put it next to thousands of albums and bands that were influenced by Black Sabbath but are not Black Sabbath.

