. Satanath Records

Reviews: 027GD

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It’s really hard for me to imagine that any died-in-the-wool fan of morbid, old school death metal won’t embrace the song we’re about to premiere by Invocation of Death — even the cold-hearted curmudgeons who sneer and sniff at anything recorded after about 1995. The song is just so brimming with gruesome life, and so packed with changing tempos and addictive riffs.


The song in question is “The Art of the Deformed“, and it closes Into the Labyrinth of Chaos, the debut album of this Salvadorian group (who originally called themselves Antares Death) which is set for release on October 18th by GrimmDistribution (Ukraine) and Morbid Skull Records (El Salvador).



The band’s labels recommend the album for fans of Entombed, Dismember, Grave, and Unleashed, and the music does invoke such memories, but it really does sound vibrantly (and ghoulishly) alive, in ways that undermine any claim that the band are mere copy-cats or clones.


Much of the song’s appeal can be sourced to its dynamism. It’s sinister, ghastly, and even sickeningly dismal — and it’s also a massively destructive juggernaut. It deals out differing doses of macabre sound, one after another, and then quickly reprises all of them in an electrifying finish.


The massive, and massively toxic, guitar tone makes an immediate impression, through riffs that are alternately angular and swarming in a carnivorous frenzy, backed by the snap and crack of the snare drum. When the drummer shifts the pace to a galloping and bounding gait, the vocalist blasts a noxious, vicious torrent of words — and then things change again, the music segueing into a queasy, fluid riff that oozes disease over a flurry of blast-beats.


The changes don’t stop there. A pulsating guitar bridge leads to a bruising, head-moving, chest-jabbing chugfest, and then the guitars generate dismal, pealing tones over huge bass thrums, followed by a murderous, mid-paced, pile-driving riff (another big head-mover) paced by the clatter and thump of the percussion. And then, for the finale, there’s that rapid reprise of almost everything that has come before.



There are at least 151 active and in active metal band from El Salvador. One of them are the old school death metal band Invocation Of Death from the capital San Salvador. Between 2008 and 2017 they were named Antares Death and released no albums. When they changed their name to Invocation Of Death there obvious where no chaos and they soon manage to release their debut album Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos. The song The Art Of Deformed from the debut album,



Probably a song many death metal fans would embrace I guess? Many addictive riff and lots of tempo changes and brimming with energy and cruelty. The label behind the San Salavdore based band have recommended the Invocation Of death for fans of Unleashed, Entombed, Dismember and Grave. The band offer a healthy dose of depressive and grim music that take no prisoners.




Sarei esagerato a definire gli Invocation of Death come una vera e propria all star band di El Salvador? Probabilmente sì. Sicuramente la presenza di Iosif Najarro e Jorge Montesino rende il tutto molto più solido. Il primo era già attivo nel 1999 coi Soomdrag e poi qualche anno dopo coi Dismal Gale, l’altro lo abbiamo ascoltato far baccano con gli ecuadoriani Destroyer Attack e coi Witchgöat (saranno famosi), ma in ogni caso entrambi si sono fatti valere nelle glorie locali Disorder e Conceived By Hate, nonché nei sanguinari Morbid Stench. In fin dei conti ci si ritrova spesso negli stessi gruppi, a El Salvador. Questi Invocation of Death sono nati nel lontano 2008 come Antares Death, ma solo oggi sono arrivati al debutto. Into The Labyrinth of Chaos (coprodotto con Morbid Skull Records) contiene la stessa convinzione già ascoltata nei gruppi di appartenenza, ma è una creatura puramente death. Old school ovviamente, in cui si crea un ponte ideale tra El Salvador 2019 e la Svezia fino al 1993, quella dei migliori Unleashed e Grave. La qualità è decisamente alta, mi ha ricordato quella degli Anarchos, alle prese con simili peripezie. Il cantato in spagnolo non suona affatto male e ciò mi fa pensare che allora, facendo un volo pindarico, forse sono proprio gli italiani che, in certi campi, non riescono a usare la loro lingua, visti questi risultati eccellenti. Un pensiero alle centinaia di persone che hanno scritto recensioni dell’inutile, pomposo e noioso ultimo Unleashed, invece di occuparsi degli Invocation of Death.






Chissà che negozi di dischi potranno mai esserci a San Salvador, chissà come viene percepito l’ambiente musicale metal e con quanto lasco di tempo i cambiamenti del genere arrivano in posti così poco battuti dall’industria musicale… A giudicare dalla proposta sonora degli Invocation of Death, qui il tempo si è fermato un ventennio addietro. Death metal, brutale e primordiale come veniva suonato negli anni che hanno visto la nascita del genere. Il suono è marcio, oscuro, ridotto ai minimi termini per quanto riguarda la profondità dei toni. Eppure ci vuole tecnica per suonare questo genere e tanta, tantissima energia da sprigionare tra i riff pesantissimi e la batteria che alterna momenti relativamente tranquilli a scatti brutali in un crescendo forsennato. Il cantato in spagnolo dona la giusta dose di insolito per un platter che altrimenti sarebbe da evitare per quanto riguarda la novità. Suonato bene, un omaggio al passato che si respira fin dalla copertina. Un ascolto è d’obbligo per i nostalgici, per il resto del mondo civilizzato si può tranquillamente fare un salto bello disteso.




Das schöne und spannende an meinem Job ist, dass ich meinen Plattenchefverantwortlichen bitte, mir einfach was zu schicken und ich so auf Bands stoße, die ich unter “normalen” Umständen wohl nie kennengelernt, geschweige denn von ihnen überhaupt existenziell erfahren hätte, so abseits des “normalen”. Danke Jörg!


Heute liegt mir ein Quartett aus El Salvador namens INVOCATION OF DEATH zum Plattencheck vor. Vertreten auf dem Debütalbum “Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos” aus dem Jahre 2018 sind sieben Titel (fünf in englisch + zwei auf spanisch) und das Ganze hat eine Laufzeit von 35:53 Minuten.


“Embrace Of Hate” fegt nach einem kurzen Sprach-Intro ordentlich los und legt die Messlatte schon von Anfang an ziemlich hoch. Death Metal in Reinkultur durchflutet meine durch das Headset geschützten Gehörgänge, mal schleppend, mal treibend. Kreative Geschwindigkeit -und Richtungswechsel sind genauso wie der markant aggressiv stimmliche Gesang von Juan Pablo L. Garciaguirre präsent. “Letanias Del Caos” und “En El Altar De La Misantropia” sind zwei Songs die für meine Ohren sprachlich ungewohnt klingen, aber nicht minder interessant sind.


“Solar Crisis” bietet mir rasant schnelle Riffs und donnernde Drums, teilweise ein bisschen im Morbid Angel Stil. Diese Sequenzen sind kurz, aber doch hörbar.”Crawling In The Dark” schleppt sich doomig voran, um dann ab und zu aus den Schienen zu springen. “The Convent” haut wieder ordentlich in die Pedale, um zum größten Teil straight mit messerscharfen Gitarrenläufen zu brillieren und ordentlich Backpfeifen zu verteilen. “The Art Of The Deformed” brilliert noch einmal mit Attacken und kreativen Momenten. Für mich neben “Solar Crisis” der Favorit auf dem Album.


Fazit: Ein gelungenes und interessantes Debüt der Todesmetaller aus Mittelamerika, vor allem so abseits der “normalen” Piste. Muchas Grazias!





Old-school Swedish Death Metal from San Salvador, El Salvador is what four-piece act Invocation of Death have to offer, and they do it so well that if I told you they were a Swedish Death Metal band from the golden nineties, you wouldn't know the difference.


With a ridiculously down-tuned guitar sound, deep death grunts, and everything else you'd expect when hearing the phrase "Swedish Death Metal", they do their shameless plagiarism of past greats like Grave, Dismember, Gorement and Carnage so well that it's actually very easy to mistake them as their contemporaries.


From the moment the opening track "Embrace of Hate" blares out of the speakers, it's clear they love the style to an almost criminal degree. However, they do it so well that they can be forgiven for aping past greats, especially when they sound so convincingly Swedish as they do it. Good stuff.




Formed in 2008 "Antares Death" evolved to become "Invocation of Death" as of 2017, the band was reinforced by experienced Salvadoran musicians and maintains two of its original members.


They've dropped a death metal bomb very much in the old Swedish style and it has exploded in our ears. The album entitled "Into the Labyrinth of Chaos" has been released on CD by Grimm Distribution (Ukraine) and Morbid Skull Records (El Salvador) that also released two limited edition cassette versions.


This one might be a short album to call it a "full lenght" considering the nowadays standards, but in 35 minutes the band manages to evoke the dark memory of those who have been precursors in the genre and also create a unique sound, out of seven tracks -each one between 4 and 5 minutes long- 3 are sung in Spanish. The great quality of the studio audio, coupled with the sober and balanced mastering create a macabre sound that infects the mind of the listener with sinister hostility.


The changes of pace show a great dynamism, at times exploding in furious blast beats and dizzying riffs then to slow down to mid-tempo sections with the heaviness of a great gravestone.


For this recording Iosif Najarro takes care of the rhythm base on drums and oozes songs of hatred against humanity while the two guitars -J.P. Lopez and J. Montesino-lead the deafening string attack that closes with C. Melara's bass. In short, this is one of the best albums of 2018.


Both formats - CD and cassette - are still available on Morbid Skull Records and the CD is also available at Grimm Distribution. If you prefer, both record labels offer a digital version of the album through their Bandcamp sites.




Formada en el 2008 "Antares Death" evolucionó para convertirse en "Invocation of Death" a partir del 2017, ha sido reforzada por experimentados músicos salvadoreño y mantiene dos de sus integrantes originales.

Lanzaron una bomba de death metal al viejo estilo sueco que ha venido a estallar en nuestros oídos. El álbum titulado "Into the Labyrinth of Chaos" ha sido editado en CD por Grimm Distribution de Ucrania y Morbid Skull Records de El Salvador, que también editó dos versiones de edición limitada en cassette.


Quizá sea un álbum corto para llamarle "full lenght" considerando los estándares acostumbrados actualmente pero en 35 minutos logran evocar la oscura memoria de quienes han sido sus predecesores en el género y también crear una marca única, son siete tracks de entre 4 y 5 minutos los que componen este trabajo, 3 de los cuales son cantados en español. La gran calidad del audio de estudio, unido a la masterización sobria y equilibrada crean un sonido macabro que infecta la mente de quien lo escuche con su siniestra hostilidad.

Los cambios de tiempo muestran un gran dinamismo, hay momentos que estallan los furiosos blast beats y riffs vertiginosos, pero también secciones de tiempos medios con la solidez de una pesada lápida.

Para ésta grabación Iosif Najarro está en control de la base rítimica en la batería y supura cantos de odio contra la humanidad mientras que las dos guitarras -J.P. López y J. Montesino- lideran el ensordecedor ataque de cuerdas que cierra el bajo de C. Melara. En definitiva éste es uno de los mejores discos del 2018.


Ambos formatos -CD y cassette- están aun disponibles en Morbid Skull Records y el CD también está disponible en Grimm Distribution. Si lo prefieren, ambos sellos discográficos ofrecen una versión digital del álbum a través de sus cuentas de Bandcamp.




Uniek zijn in het deathmetalgenre, kan dat nog? We vermoeden van niet. Het enige dat je als band kan doen is die grens proberen bereiken waardoor de aanhoorder van jouw muziek tot waanzin wordt gedreven en op het puntje van zijn of haar stoel gekluisterd zit te luisteren met het angstzweet op de lippen. Dat is met andere woorden het gevoel dan ook het gevoel dat ikzelf eveneens vanbinnen moet krijgen bij het beluisteren van een typische deathmetalschijf. Invocation Of Death is zo een typische deathmetalact uit El Salvador die ons door middel van een verschroeiend debuut 'Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos' meesleurt naar die meest donkere kant van onze ziel waar het voor een liefhebber van deathmetal altijd fijn vertoeven is.

En daarmee is zowat het meeste over de band en schijf gezegd. De heren maken er geen woorden aan vuil en grijpen je vanaf de eerste song, “Embrace of Hate”, bij de strot om niet meer los te laten tot het eindpunt. De ene mokerslag is pas voorbij of daar is een volgende vuurbal die in je gezicht tot ontploffing komt. We waren meerdere keren diep onder de indruk van die vlijmscherpe gitaarriffs, knallende drumsalvo's. Maar het is toch vooral die ijzingwekkende stem - komende uit de diepste kerkers van de Hel - die je gegarandeerd koude rillingen tot op het bot bezorgt. Dat wordt telkens opnieuw in de verf gezet met daaropvolgende songs als “Letanias Del Caos”, “Solar Crisis” en “En El Altar De La Misantropia”. Dat de schijf in verschillende talen wordt gebracht, is wellicht een bijkomstig pluspunt waardoor we nog meer over de streep worden getrokken.

Het enige minpunt? Feitelijk brengt Invocation Of Death niets nieuws onder de zon, en dreigen daardoor verloren te lopen in het overaanbod van releases en bands binnen het deathmetalgenre. Maar wat ze doen is wel degelijk gewoon af. Zowel puur technisch als wat het gevoel van innerlijke angst betreft, valt er nergens een speld tussen te krijgen. Deze band brengt deathmetal van eenzaam hoog niveau, waardoor elk beetje liefhebber van dit genre deze schijf met een gerust hart in huis kan halen. Want ook bij songs als “Thc Covenant” en afsluiter “The Art Of The Deformed” worden op een ijzingwekkend verschroeiend tempo gebracht waardoor je als aanhoorder niet anders kunt dan je gewillige laten meesleuren naar die bodem van de Hel. Nee, enig medelijden of licht in de duisternis is er niet te bespeuren.

Wie houdt van deathmetal van de meest donkere en intensieve soort, in zijn meest pure vormen, zal niet bedrogen uitkomen met deze bijzonder indrukwekkende deathmetalschijf. Ook al voegt Invocation Of Death daar niets nieuws aan toe, het angstzweet staat na vier luisterbeurten nog steeds op onze lippen, wat ervoor zorgt dat ook wij prompt vallen voor plaat en band.




«Это воин в шлеме, увенчанном вращающимся крылом. Верхом на обезумевшем коне, Дух Бури, он скачет по Небесам - в одной руке меч, в другой кинжал, - изображая идею атаки».



Ultras Old School Death Metal из Сальвадора - четверка оголтелых из столицы, квартет, который обращает вспять время, музыканты, которые пользуясь своим положением в мегаполисе, играют более чем в тридцати командах самого жестокого металла. Неужто улицы Сан-Сальвадора так благорасположены к этому? Спросите у INVOCATION OF DEATH.

На самом деле, это первый полноформат группировки, на который раскачивались год. НО. Здесь все сложно — под другим названием Antares Death бригада музицировала почти десять лет. Может это такой маркетинговый ход? Пусть так. Самые черные и дэтовые звезды Сальвадора набрались терпения, заперлись в студии и выдали пронзительный, мертвецки олдовый материал. Который возродит к жизни целые поколения зомбарей дэтового легиона.

Олдскульно, конечно, мидтемпово, с неторопливым разгоном, как слон мчится сквозь джунгли. И ритм-секция так же бухает в землю, расплющивая мелких и средней величины животных, ненароком попавших под чудовищные пресс-машины-конечности.

Ага, это DEVILS EVE студия, где хозяйничал и вел запись маниакальный гитарист Morbid Miasma, а ведь ему можно доверить самое дорогое, например вот эти семь трэков - дорожек судьбы, да что уж там - настоящих заклинаний смерти, судя по названию группы. Morbid Miasma записал всю музыку исключительно чисто и прозрачно - не будь это дэт металл, а так надо говорить: «жирно и кроваво». Есть такое дело.

Iosif Najarro - вокалист и драммер — еще и автор музыки и текстов — самая главная голова проекта. Я думаю, именно он повинен в особинке музыкальной концепции INVOCATION OF DEATH — галопирующей в отдельных местах ритм-секции, когда кажется, что группа удаляется вдаль к горизонту, отстреливаясь из барабанных пулеметов и отплевываясь нефтяным огнем вокальных партий. Но от нас не отобьешься, мы последуем в арьергарде, внимательно вслушиваясь в угар, чад и дикий шум, создаваемый группой. Одно дело, что нам это нравится, другое - что музыканты заняты ренессансом дэт металла 80-х годов прошлого века, за что им и спасибо от меломанов металлистов, заставших эти времена в сознательном возрасте.

Я уже отметил, что Iosif Najarro и вокалист тоже, со своеобразным гроулом в котором как-то копится гулкость (непонятно как), и исполнитель полон сил и энергии, чтобы голосом еще и модулировать — не в широком диапазоне, но нам хватит. Iosif Najarro вокалом следует за гитарными партиями и антибожественно дополняет их, взваривая до настоящего адского струнного кипения.

Для меня несомненно, что музыканты в столице наделали реального шума в андеграунде, ибо с таким материалом несложно взорвать саундом любую концертную площадку.

Дорожка Solar Crisis — за эту можно зацепиться — медленная, водородная бомба - и вокаллер буквально располагает свой голос радиационными облаками на опухшем небосклоне. Вокал здесь солирует люцифериански, захватывает ураганом за собой все остальные инструменты, вздымая радиоактивную пыль. Взвизгивают ошпаренные гитары и бесится неживое сердце басс-партии. А уж драммер дает шанс - электротоком прошивает эту монструозную конструкцию.

Обратите ваше драгоценное внимание на шикарную обложку.




Formada en el 2008 “Antares Death” evolucionó para convertirse en “Invocation of Death” a partir del 2017. Ha sido reforzada por experimentados músicos salvadoreño y mantiene dos de sus integrantes originales.

Lanzaron una bomba de death metal al viejo estilo sueco que ha venido a estallar en nuestros oídos. El álbum titulado “Into the Labyrinth of Chaos” ha sido editado en CD por Grimm Distribution de Ucrania y Morbid Skull Records de El Salvador. MSR también editó dos versiones de edición limitada en cassette.


En 35 minutos logran evocar la oscura memoria de quienes han sido sus predecesores en el género y también crear una marca única. Son siete tracks de entre 4 y 5 minutos los que componen este trabajo, 3 de los cuales están en español. La calidad del audio y la masterización equilibrada crean un sonido macabro que infecta la mente de quien lo escuche con una hostilidad siniestra.

Los cambios de tempos tienen un gran dinamismo, hay momentos que estallan los furiosos blast beats y riffs vertiginosos, pero también secciones de tiempos medios con la solidez de una roca.

Para ésta grabación Iosif Najarro está en control de la base rítimica en la batería y supura cantos de odio contra la humanidad mientras que las dos guitarras -J.P. López y J. Montesino- lideran el ensordecedor ataque de cuerdas que cierra el bajo de C. Melara. Ninguno de los músicos es un novato y la experiencia se nota.

Recomiendo éste álbum, es definitivamente uno de los mejores discos del 2018. Lo único que considero un punto en contra es la duración, hubiera sido mejor con dos o tres tracks adicionales para llegar a los 50 minutos, pero en éste caso la brevedad se transforma en intensidad también.


Ambos formatos -CD y cassette- están disponibles en Morbid Skull Records y el CD también está disponible en Grimm Distribution. Pueden obtener una versión digital del álbum a través de Bandcamp con cualquiera de éstos sellos discográficos.




Death metal from El Salvador. They seem to be drawing from some weird cross between Sinister, Pungent Stench and Gorefest, so it’s very listenably old school…but not exactly what you think of when someone says “classic death metal”.


Production’s not bad all things considered, and about the worst you can say here is that the vocals come off a bit obvious and overly cheesy, particularly given that it’s all done in Spanish. I dunno, just reminded me of Brujeria, somehow, but even more aged on the fromage, as it were.


Not bad. Not bad at’all.






La alianza entre el sello ruso Satanath Records con los sellos GrimmDistribution (Ucrania) y Morbid Skull Records (El Salvador) ha hecho posible la publicación del nuevo trabajo de estos salvadoreños que responden al nombre de INVOCATION OF DEATH, quienes hacen honores a la vieja escuela del Death Metal con este “Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos”. Una banda que dio sus primeros pasos allá por el año 2008 bajo el nombre de ANTARES DEATH, denominación con la que sacaron un single titulado “Embrace Of Hate” y tocaron algunos conciertos, aunque no sería hasta 2017 cuando cambiaron su nombre por el actual y se pusieron manos a la obra para dar vida a su primer larga duración, publicado el pasado año 2018.


El logotipo del grupo, su nombre, la ilustración de la cubierta, el estricto uso del blanco y negro para el artwork… todo en “Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos” respira puro y pútrido Death Metal añejo, de ese que no hace caso a las producciones modernas ni a las nuevas tendencias. Por eso INVOCATION OF DEATH es una opción más que recomendable para todos aquellos seguidores de bandas suecas clásicas como NIHILIST, ENTOMBED, GRAVE, UNLEASHED, DISMEMBER... de las que los salvadoreños seguro han tomado mucha inspiración a la hora de grabar su este primer álbum. Unas grabaciones que se gestaron en Morbid Miasma Recording Studio (Devils Eve Studio), dando como resultado siete cortes pesados y graves, con esa característica distorsión de vieja escuela y voces cavernosas que escupen los textos de las canciones con crudeza. Por cierto, aunque la mayor parte de los temas están escritos en inglés, cabe destacar el uso del español en algunas de las letras, algo que hace destacar la propuesta del grupo.


“Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos” es un viaje al pasado de algo más de media hora de duración en el que rememoraremos el Old School Death Metal que solía pegar fuerte décadas atrás, cuando el sonido malvado y mórbido prevalecía ante la pulcritud y la perfección actuales. Por otro lado también hay que reconocer que INVOCATION OF DEATH no aportan grandes novedades al género, salvo ese uso del español en algunos temas, y que todavía están un escalón por debajo de bandas como las citadas anteriormente. En cualquier caso, si te gusta el Death Metal de vieja escuela y sin adulterar con este álbum vas a disfrutar seguro.




The story of the San Salvador based death metal unit starts in 2008 under the name of Antares Death that was changed to Invocation of Death in 2017. "Into the Labyrinth of Chaos" is their debut release. It has 7 deadly cuts composed in the very best traditions of the 90s death metal movement. So what you are going to hear there is definitely about the old-fashioned approach and spirit of the given genre. In addition to that, all the tracks were executed with passion, total dedication and deep respect to the ones who have been influential on them. For example, such well-known giants of death as Grave, Dismember, Entombed, Bolt Thrower, Gorefest and Morgoth are amongst their influences and that's for sure. The achieved sound production is also close to the Swedish one, of course, their guitars aren't as distorted, on the contrary, they are more detailed I would say. The four musicians – Iosif (vocals/drums), C.M. (bass of doom), J.P. (guitar) & Morbid Miasma (chaotic chords) – recorded an exceptionally good material that fans of the old-school will warmly welcome. Let's hope they will return with an even bigger album soon, but until then, grab the opportunity to order their debut CD, which is available in cassette format too!!! Long live the death metal!!!






O Invocation of Death já gera curiosidade pela música registrada em seu primeiro álbum, “Into the Labyrinth of Chaos”, quando tomamos conhecimento que é oriunda de El Salvador.


Formado em 2017,  à partir da banda Antares Death, na capital San Salvador, o quarteto nos oferece sete composições do mais puro death metal old school à moda sueca, remetendo a nomes como Unleashed, Entombed,  Dismember, Grave e Carnage, seja em timbragem ou em atitude.




Ou seja, são sete faixas de um death metal firme e violento, com distorção característica escandinava que respinga sujeira pra todo lado.


Algo bem desenhado em faixas como “Embrace of Hate” (a abertura insana que deixa até um clima de trilha sonora de filme de terror classe B na introdução), “Crawling the Dark” (arrastada e com passagens altamente técnicas), “The Convent” (pesadíssima) e “The Art of the Deformed” (combinando groove com caos).


Já em “Letanias del Caos” e “En El Altar de la Misantropia” (com peso absurdo e show do baterista que dá uma aula de técnica death metal) eles escolheram sua língua-mãe para passar as mensagens, o que gera ainda mais morbidez cativante, afinal, as línguas latinas carregam um peso eclesiástico que potencializa, por contraste, o profano.




E não é só por isso que essas são as melhores faixas do disco, mas também por seus solos e passagens arrastadas de arrepiar.


Até por isso, não espere uma imitação latino-americana da proposta sueca, pois esses caras possuem sua personalidade e uma identidade musical bem construída por referências clássicas, se destacando não pela inovação em si, mas pela qualidade das composições impressas por um trabalho de estúdio orgânico.


Aqui, os movimentos acelerados e pesados são potencializados pelo contraste com breves passagens cadenciadas, e percebe-se uma valorização dos riffs e do baixo encorpado nas estruturas. O vocais seguem o padrão sueco, gerando diversos déjà vus ao longo do trabalho.




Não creio que a emulação da sonoridade old-school seja um problema, pois dizem com sua personalidade e criatividade, fiéis a certos impulsos transgressivos, o que os limites tradicionais do gênero que escolheram não permitem em seus cânones.


“Into the Labyrinth of Chaos”, em suma, traz um death metal praticado com empenho, empolgação e muita energia, tirando os aspectos datados da proposta, mas sem descaracterizá-la, algo que ouvimos claramente em “Solar Crisis”, que até se distancia um pouco da fórmula sueca.


Se você gosta das formas mais pesadas, pútridas e mórbidas do heavy metal faça um favor pra si mesmo e confira este petardo!




O Death Metal latino sempre apresentou uma "maldade" extra na sua sonoridade, abordagem e atmosfera, eu diria que isso é muito interessante aos meus ouvidos fascinados pelo metal da morte.


Essa que é na minha opinião a melhor banda death metal de El Salvador da atualidade, o insano Invocation of Death apresenta o seu álbum de estreia intitulado "Into the Labyrinth of Chaos" que remete os gloriosos anos 90 em sua sonoridade.


Para fãs de Sadistic Intent, Asphyx, Immolation, Incantation, Vader, Headhunter D.C, Masacre (Colombia) e outras grandes lendas do death metal dos anos 80/90, extremamente recomendável,é incrível como está saindo cada vez mais bandas de excelente sonoridade nesse estilo na última década, acho que o estilo vive seu melhor momento desde os anos 90.




Invocation Of Death includes ex or current members of the band Conceived by Hate, whose album I reviewed here once. They come from El Salvador in Central America which is quite exotic place from my point of view.


This band, in this recording has prepared a good studio sound for their songs. The vocals sound death metal-barbaric, surely rough but not chaotic. A lyrical material is sung in English and Spanish. Even if I do not know that second language, from time to time, I like to hear vocalists who sing in Spanish and I think that Iosif Najarro (also on drums) nailed it pretty good and I enjoy the hell out of it.


As a person from Europe, I have more easily sensed some European musical influences that Invocation Of Death has in their music. And so, Solar Crisis has very familiar sounding riffs that you can hear on early Dismember albums. The other track - The Art Of The Deformed in the beginning sounds almost like Entombed. So, Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos has a few Swedish moments like that, but I wouldn't say that it is a Scandinavian-sounding album, most of the time it`s not. The band plays heavier in Crawling In The Dark, which is their slower track but in general, pacing of the album is faster than that song. Invocation Of Death play a death metal here that is a bit aggressive, a bit brutal, and has some melodies and a groove in the style of Brujerja. I do not think they always maintain their songs to desirable level - music not always ticks so I would know it`s perfect album for me, but surely...In each of their songs there is something from that South and Central American metal spirit that is hard to dislike if enchanted in music well, this one is, and it`s a solid death metal album with uncomplicated songs.




This review deals with a release that is almost archetypically ancient, yet still… When I think that something is worth getting any additional support or attention, I’m yours…


In 2008, a couple of Metal heads from El Salvador (an underestimated yet promising and interesting country when it comes to Death Metal) formed a band called Antares Death. I have no idea about their international ‘popularity’, but in their home country, they were (and still are) quite notorious. In 2017, Antares Death changed their name into Invocation Of Death, and Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos is the first (and sole, until now) official recording under this new moniker.


Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos was recorded at the Devil’s Eye Studio in San Salvador (the capital of El Salvador) in 2017 and 2018. The mix was done at the SpareRoom Sound Studio with Inert’s Xavier Aguilar, the mastering at Toxic Basement Studio by Carlo Altobelli. The result got released in a partnership in between GrimmDistribution from Ukrainian soil (part of the Satanath Records / Symbol Of Domination Productions family, which also released material from e.g. Disorder or Conceived By Hate, which are bands that share members with Invocation Of Death) and Morbid Skull Records from the band’s home country (also home to e.g. higher mentioned Disorder and Conceived By Hate, or acts like Destroyer Attack, Morbid Stench and Witchgöat, that also include and share members). The compact disc edition is limited to 500 copies and includes an eight-folded booklet with the lyrics (in both English and Spanish) and terrific black-and-white visual art. Besides, there are two very limited cassette versions too (red and black), as well as, evidently, a digitally downloadable one.


Line-up, purely informative: Josif (vocals and drums, song writing and lyrics, and cover concept), J.P. (guitars), Morbid Miasma (‘chaotic chords’ and recording; he owns / manages the Devil’s Eve Studio), and C.M. (‘bass of doom’). Morbid Miasma and Juan Pablo, by the way, are no part of the permanent line-up anymore.


What these guys bring (brought) does not sound familiar to the Middle-American scene at all. TO be honest, if I did not know that this band consisted of members from e.g. Disorder, Morbid Stench or Conceived By Hate, I would have sworn that they came from Sweden. And you know, this goes for both song-writing / performance and for sound.


Let’s start with the sound. That one is great, I mean, the mix is top-notch in all aspects. All instruments are equally divided / represented: leads and rhythm instrumentation, strings, drums and vocals; everything acts in such natural symbiosis, organic in essence, pure in execution. The production is decently clean, well-balanced, yet still maintains a sharp-edged, barb-wired brutality, and that is something this specific kind of Sonic Pleasure needs. It lacks of surgically precision, focusing on narrow-minded details; on the contrary, the recording shows a fine mix of brutality and aggression at the one hand, yet with a deeply-thought subtlety too.


The song writing and execution… Well, what if I start with listing up some names from Old: Nihilist / Entombed, Dismember, Carnage, Utumno, Vomitory, Unleashed, Grave, Hypocrisy and Unleashed, for example. Indeed, that is exactly what I am talking about. Invocation Of Death simply pay tribute to that glorious old school trend, hailing the ancestors of the scene, and still bringing something that is quite unique in some way. No, I am not going to pretend that these guys reinvented the scene. They do not. They play stuff in the vein of the bands I did mention. But they are not some cheap copycats either (at all!). Actually, I think that Invocation Of Death have recorded (one of) the best release within this specific genre in many decades! Nowadays, we have just a limited couple of bands that equal this level (Entrails, Zombiefication, Remains, you know, are some of the few bands that are worth being mentioned), so please do welcome this Salvadorian act in case you like the Swedish scene. They are worth it!


You know, quite everything fits: the depth of the grunts, the many changes in tempo, that specific guitar sound, the huge dose of creative riff adaptations, the grandiose sound quality (oh, I love it when the bass lines get such prominent role in the whole story), and so on. Seriously, this album shows craftsmanship and professionalism. Forget about being renewing or original. If some of the initial bands from that scene faded away into poppy nonsense, or total oblivion, we need a new breed. So, say hello to Invocation Of Death and embrace their labyrinth of chaos…




Doing this job for almost 20 years now, but it is the very first time that I came across a band from El Salvador. Invocation Of Death is what this quartet is called, and what they have to offer is an old-school Swedish-style death metal from the nineties.


Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos consists of seven cutting-edge atmospheric death metal anthems. From the album opener track “Embrace Of Hate” one feels like being attacked by the killer and blood-dropping groovy and old-school riffs. The upbeat drums supplement the grinding guitars just perfectly here. Second track on the record is “Letanias Del Caos” which more or less continues where its predecessor ended, with slightly more sophisticated song-writing and really effective production.


Next one is called “Solar Crisis” which opens with this strange yet beautiful epic old-school bass riffs and simplistic drums, but the song builds up as it progresses. The punchiest and aggressive parts are again perfectly balanced with more atmospheric melodies. Another excellent track is “En El Altar De La Misantropia” which attacks your ears with some blackened riffs, intense blast beats and morbid and visceral vocals, similar to the ones on “Embrace Of Hate”. Really a stunning and glorious track, my absolute favorite.


“Crawling In The Dark” has again a slow build-up more relaying on the haunting atmosphere and minimalistic approach. This song really crawls along, matching the title perfectly!


“The Convent” features some gripping riffs and a chaotic atmosphere and ditto instruments. Blast-beats are accompanied by grinding guitars and tormented vocals. Again, a perfect mix!


The closing track “The Art Of The Deformed” has a plenty of catchy hooks, punchy rhythms, furious drums and ferocious riffing.


Into The Labyrinth Of Chaos a perfect headbanging music. At same time it is strange and beautiful piece of old-school death metal. Before anything it is a killer debut that I can highly recommend to any fans of Grave, Carnage, Dismember and similar old-school acts!





From the moment Embrace Of Hate begins the listener is treated to a brutal and effective clone of Dismember, Grave and Edge Of Sanity, as well as a dub from the movie There Will Be Blood. This is some heavy and fast material from the El Salvador-based act that what it lacks in originality makes up for in the crunch department. The singer vomits his way through the album racing against his co-conspirators with a heavy riff-based assault on fans of rap, country music and “symphonic melodic operatic….” vomit. Sorry all trendy ‘metal’ (so-called) journalists out there! The band mixes in enough death metal in English and Spanish to satisfy the sub-genre’s fans, but runs out of gas somewhat by the fifth track Crawling In The Dark, which is somewhat repetitious and mundane. In general, Invocation Of Death – no word if Chuck answered the call – does better during the speedier passages. The band would do well to stick to speed-oriented riffs. The Convent, for example, rolls forward with a fierce tempo that could only be described as something akin to Donald’s heart beating in the heat of sexual arousal when he sees Ivanka or the chubby younger one.

One also has to admire the act for its acknowledgment of its influences. Solar Crisis features a snippet of music from Dismember’s debut.




I have a pretty clear picture of where El Salvador is geographically but I cannot say the same for their metal scene. I cannot on standing foot tell you any bands from said scene. I don’t know if it is because I haven’t heard any or because they just were band and I’ve forgotten about them. INVOCATION OF DEATH are old school death metal with a clear Swedish heritage. I know that this whole old school thing can seem old and tired at this moment in time but I don’t care. I am a huge sucker for this kind of sound. It makes me a bit nostalgic, and I don’t get nostalgic. And no matter how you turn the coin Entombed will always come up when we talk old school Swedish sounding death metal. And this is no exception but I also get a Dismember vibe from this. This I like.





Jos olet koskaan miettinyt miltä ruotsalainen vanhan liiton kuolonmetalli kuulostaisi elsalvadorlaisittain esitettynä, siihen vastaa Invocation of Death.


Esikoislevy Into the Labyrinth of Chaos (2018) on kuin paikallisesti lokalisoitu tuontituote, jossa englanninkielisyys on osin korvattu paikallisella kotimaisella. Riffittelyt, örähtelyt ja jopa soundit sen sijaan ovat kuin ysäriltä ratsattuja. Teollisuudessa tällaista kutsuttaisiin kai kloonituotteeksi.


Rapiat puolituntinen Into the Labyrinth of Chaos soi jämäkästi eikä ole Iosif Najarron örinöissäkään valittamisen aihetta. Bändi tuo syystäkin mieleen Entombedin, muttei yllä sävellyksellisesti vertailukohtansa tasolle. Toki kyseessä on vasta kaksikon esikoislevy ja vain noin kolme vuosikymmentä perässä tulevana bändiltä puuttuu nostalgian vääntö ja aikalaiskortti.


Klooniksi levy on ihan hyvin tehty, vaikkei se suuria säväreitä annakaan. Vanhan liiton kalman nälkään vaihtelevatempoinen kuolonjyräys toimii hyvin, vaikkakin sitten helposti unohdettavana halpakopiona.

